Shorting Bull/Bear ETFs - easy money?

Discussion in 'ETFs' started by SwingToWin, Sep 15, 2015.

  1. Dear fellow traders,

    I'd like to hear your opinion on a question that came up.

    What if I shorted two ETFs of the same underlying, for example:
    - XIV and VXX (Volatility)
    - USO and DNO (Oil)
    - FAZ and FAS (Shares)

    All charts look very beautiful - no matter what the market does, it only goes up - for years :)
    Interest and cost of borrowing is not cheap, but it is still about 1/3 of the profit I make in one year.

    Still that all sounds too good to be true. Can you tell me where I'm wrong? Or is it really that easy?

    Thank you!
  2. I think you would have to adjust the position almost everyday to keep the exposure equal, so that might be a lot in transaction costs.
  3. rmorse

    rmorse Sponsor

    I had one clients who tried this with the underlying first then the doing it with options. His P/L had big swings and it was difficult to keep $ neutral. Also the cost of carrying the shorts was very high.
  4. Start a thread and paper trade it.
  5. Thanks for all your input, I appreciate it very much :)

    You were right about rebalancing, that would eat up my profit completely.
    I've backtested the strategy with a fixed size now and it is pretty bad.
    So yes, it was too good to be true. Thanks for all the input :)
  6. $ES_F short 1948 cover 1942
  7. Short $DAX 9738 TP 9714 TP2 <9650