Robert Morse
Last Activity:
Mar 11, 2025 at 8:28 PM
Sep 16, 2016
May 25, 1960 (Age: 64)
Home Page:
Morristown, NJ
VP, Institutional Sales-Lightspeed Financial SG

Robert Morse

Sponsor, Male, 64, from Morristown, NJ

Please email or call me for anything I can help with. Nov 24, 2019

Robert Morse was last seen:
Mar 11, 2025 at 8:28 PM
    1. alphahunter
      Hi Robert, I believe we talked a few years back, but just to be clear the pairs trader at LightSpeed is only for futures trading correct? I'm looking for something for ETFs. Any solutions you offer? Thanks.
    2. MrPain
      Hello Robert Morse. I am looking for a market data for my API. Could I use LIghtSpeed for that purpose or I can just send orders there. I am also interested in market data for closing imbalances. Thank you.
    3. mayura
      Hi Rob, can non US residents trade options in US markets? I'm from India. Am I allowed to open account and trade options? How about Portfolio margin?
      1. Robert Morse
        Robert Morse
        I had no idea this comment was here. I do not look at my profile. Please email me directly next time.
        Jan 10, 2024
      2. Robert Morse
        Robert Morse
        Yes, we can offer accounts to those from India-Yes we can.
        Jan 10, 2024
    4. Astrot
      Hi Robert, I have an LS account. My margin ratio is only 4:1. I hope to increase my margin ratio as much as possible. 99% of my transactions are day trading and my capital is about 100K-200K. Can you help me?
      1. Robert Morse
        Robert Morse
        I had no idea this comment was here. I do not look at my profile. Please email me directly next time. You need a PMA for more leverage.
        Jan 10, 2024
    5. Govard_Rork
      Hi! We want to trade options professionally. With an auto delta hedge, with good analytics of historical volatility, with various models of historical volatility.We considered actant, metro, spiderrock and so on.They say that we need direct access to the CME We don't quite understand what it means to need a direct access to CME.How we can get the opportunity to use this program. Which fcm make it possible to connect?
      1. Robert Morse
        Robert Morse
        I had no idea this comment was here. I do not look at my profile. Please email me directly any questions -
        Jan 10, 2024
    6. Muhammed
      if i want to start a scouting program type prop firm , like ftmo, topstep, myforexfunds (to name a few )

      where can i start ??
      1. Robert Morse
        Robert Morse
        I had no idea this comment was here. I do not look at my profile. Please email me directly any questions -
        Jan 10, 2024
    7. traderedcheong
      Hi Robert, i would like to try out Sterling platform. Am currently on DAS with hotscript ability to auto-calculate my risk$ when i execute a trade with a stop loss price. i havent have any luck to be in contact with any Sterling programmer to assure me that such execution script can be done in Sterling Pro platform. Do you think it is possible and who should i look for? Thank you
      1. Robert Morse
        Robert Morse
        I had no idea this comment was here. I do not look at my profile. Please email me directly any questions -
        Jan 10, 2024
    8. simba0020
      Thank you. There is no other way to put it.
    9. TradeTune
    10. TradeTune
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  • About

    May 25, 1960 (Age: 64)
    Home Page:
    Morristown, NJ
    VP, Institutional Sales-Lightspeed Financial SG
    I spent the vast majority of my career (25 Years) as a proud member of the American Stock Exchange. I ran my own Broker Dealer and was an Option Market Maker from 1985 until 2010. This has given me a unique perspective and a real life understanding of the needs of traders. I now use my experience from having careers on a NASDAQ trading desk, as an Amex Wire Clerk, as an Amex Execution Broker and of course an Amex Member and Trader to provide expert service to Hedge Funds, Trading Groups, CTAs and Active Traders. Please contact me for more information regarding the benefits of our Customer Portfolio Margin, Reg-T and Futures accounts.




    Robert Morse |VP, Institutional Sales
    Lightspeed Financial Services Group
    Phone: 646-393-4806 |
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