OK - how about a contrarian location. After new tax regs, Libya has 1) EU time zones 2) 10% personal income tax 3) 5 year tax holidays for...
I've just started using the accumlate/distribute algos in IB to handle some of my execution in the TF & ES contract and have noted that they give...
Somewhat surprised this hasn't hit ET yet. Goes to show how looney tunes some people can get....
If you assume that you want to fund a standard of living that you've cost out at $50,000 a year in present value terms for the next 30 years, how...
http://timothysykes.com/blog/2009/07/28/guess-how-much-my-blog-made-in-june/ Guess How Much My Blog Made In June? Iâll Give You A Hint:...
ET used to rank aliases by number of posts. Was this dropped because it was counter productive to ET's purpose?
http://www.nytimes.com/2006/05/14/business/yourmoney/14michael.html May 14, 2006 What Happened to the Fortune Michael Jackson Made? By...
Should we bother to upgrade? What do people think about OS for their trading box?
There are so many polls on how much a trader makes, I thought it's time to address the other end of the equation. How much did you (your...
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/af919ffa-548b-11de-a58d-00144feabdc0.html Death of astute Gabon leader ends era By Matthew Green in Lagos...
Am thinking of purchasing a 24 port switch and there is a whole range of prices for them. Is there a real difference or no? I'm just trying...
During the year ended December 31, 2008, income before income taxes in our market making segment increased 43%, compared with the same period in...
.... and Erin Callan lied like a finance minister on the eve of devaluation. Einhorn Vindicated on Lehman, Beating BlackRock, Putnam Bulls...
For those who trade equity index futures. Do you think size in the order book is a magnet or a repulsor? Said in another way, should you...
I'm wondering if anyone can recommend a good service for getting real time quotes and charts on futures that displays well on an i-phone?...
From 2007 BRK annual shareholder letter: "Whatever pension-cost surprises are in store for shareholders down the road, these jolts will be...
Alabama County's Debt Cut to Junk on Credit Squeeze (Update2) By Martin Z. Braun Feb. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Jefferson County, Alabama's $3.2...
Vallejo is on the brink of a dubious distinction - becoming the first city in California to declare bankruptcy. The fiscal crisis, which comes...
Mixed 2007 For John W. Henry's Funds January 29, 2008 The year-to-date numbers are in for John W. Henry & Co. and the results range from...
HOUSE OF GRAFT Tracing the Bhutto Millions A special report. New York Times January 9, 1998 Bhutto Clan Leaves Trail of Corruption in...
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