a lot of high volume chips and biotechs - amat, klac, intc ..... bgen, amgn, pdli, hgsi .... also msft, csco, vrsn, vrts .... I am forgetting a...
If you push the point criticizing Bright or Nassar, Baron just deletes the post, regardless of who is right. A little bird told me that...
Maybe Wade can bunk with William McCorkle, the former foreclosure guru who now is a guest of the government in Florida.
Looks like 'the powers that be' edited this thread like crazy. How wonderful it is that someone else is deciding which part of the "open"...
http://goldennumber.net/index.html Fibs are not a magic secret to money-making or anything like that, but they are everywhere in nature....
Setting the time frame is as important as picking the right level. Just think of them as key levels. Sometimes it will drop, pause at a fib...
On what do you base your far-reaching assertion that there are no guru crooks? If you knew one who was a crook, would you not want to warn people?
<i>I know of no vender who is a crook. </i> Good for you. So if you don't know of a crook, there must not be any? You are the definitive...
My former prop floor had the pristine educational chat for a while. We did not trade every call, so I can't say for sure about them. It is hard...
How about those affiliated with advertisers posting reviews and praise of their own company without disclosing the relationship? How about...
You are supposed to pay the higher rate for quotes from nyse and naz if you have a 7, or I believe even if you are a full-time trader (doing it as...
It does not seem that they regulate spam OTCBB stock hyping emails very well. I get them all the time. I really get the impression that...
Can you short OTCBB? Then I could trade against all the spam "stock alerts" I keep getting. Maybe I should just buy some junk bb stock - or...
Are you interested in otcbb because you have low funds? If so, for your own sake, stay away from penny stocks. Get a $500 cash account and swing...
Very likely no margin charges. I can't say with 100% certainty. It depends on what clearing firm your broker uses. Ask your broker.
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