Alcohol...One Christian view

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by Cabin1111, Apr 20, 2024.

  1. Even if you are not spiritual in any way, this can be a good listen...Especially about the first 10 minutes.

    He first talks about how Alcohol can destroy a community and a country.

    I feel it's a balanced message...You can decide.

    I personally use alcohol...Mostly red wine for my heart. I don't abuse it.

    Anyways...Worth a listen. Cabin

  2. Thanks Cabin for the thread and the post.

    Alcoholism can be a huge problem.

    If I'm out talking to a poor person on the street asking for money and they are a drinker, it is very hard. There is an arrogance when they have been drinking.

    One time I was telling this fellow story of the sower and seed falling on 4 soils.

    He quipped "Johnny Appleseed".

    I stopped in my tracks.
    My tone changed.

    I said very strongly (perhaps with some anger):
    "When say 'Johnny Appleseed' you disrespect me and you disrespect God"

    They weren't really my words. I didn't know why said those particular words. (Now I do it was the Holy Spirit's words - who knows just what to say for each person).

    He sobered up instantly and said:
    "You can pray over me".

    No one has asked that before. I did my best.

    I gave the name of a roofing company he could apply to (his landlord had told he needed to get a job in the next week and a half or leave.)

    I've never seen him since.

    I hope he got the job and the Lord has rescued him.

    Alcoholism is terrible sickness.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2024
  3. iprph90


    Unfortunately, alcohol consumption has a profound and multi-faceted impact on society, affecting various aspects such as social dynamics, health, and economics.

    - Health: Alcohol is a factor in over 200 disease and injury conditions. In the U.S., the death toll from excessive alcohol use increased by 29% from 2016–2017 to 2020–2021, with an average of 178,307 deaths per year.
    - Crime: Alcohol is involved in 40-45% of homicides and 45-46% of physical assaults. About 63% of intimate partner violence incidents and 37% of sexual assaults involve alcohol use by the offender.
    - Economics: The economic cost of excessive alcohol use in the U.S. is estimated at $249 billion annually, mainly due to healthcare expenses, lost productivity, and legal costs.
    - Drunk Driving: Nearly 10,000 people are killed annually in the U.S. due to alcohol-related driving accidents.
    - Comparison with Other Drugs: Alcohol-related deaths account for approximately 2.6% of all deaths in the U.S., while illicit drugs also lead to significant health issues and economic costs, with an estimated economic impact of nearly $215 billion.
    aquarian1 likes this.
  4. Buy1Sell2
