Delay issues when fetching news

Discussion in 'App Development' started by Yiming, Apr 29, 2024.

  1. Yiming


    I am incorporating news into my Rust based bot, and to source articles I scrape once per second the "latest news" page of several news providers (eg GlobeNewsWire). Despite expecting minimal (<1min) delay, I've found that articles are consistently arriving around 300 seconds late compared to their official publication times. I've confirmed that it's not an implementation issue by manually recreating the delay--if you sit there refreshing the page, articles still show up late.

    I was wondering why this happens and if there are workarounds. I've tried financial news APIs, but they all seem to focus on general market or large company news, whereas I need press releases distributed by small/mid cap companies.
  2. Could it be that they delay the publication on purpose by 5 minutes for free accounts? And maybe deliver faster for certain, paying, customers?
    murray t turtle and SunTrader like this.
  3. Occam


    Some of the "*Wire" feeds are intentionally delayed by ~5 minutes to make it hard for the average joe to trade from them without paying enormous fees. I am sorry to say it but HFT and others who pay $20,000 per month for Bloomberg's flagship API feed are not similarly delayed...
    Yiming likes this.