Discussion in 'Events' started by MotiveWave, May 3, 2024.

  1. MotiveWave

    MotiveWave Sponsor


    At MotiveWave, we're committed to continually improving our services and dedicated to finding ways to express our appreciation to loyal customers. That's why we're excited to announce the launch of our Customer Referral Program!


    Gift your friends 15 additional free days, when they purchase a lease and get 15 additional free days yourself! If your friend purchases a lifetime license you both get an additional free month of software updates and support! Or if you as the Referrer are a leaseholder you get a free month added to your lease and your friend gets 1 free month added to their software updates and support.

    Here's how it works:

    • Refer a friend, colleague or family member to MotiveWave by sharing this post.
    • The person being referred will now contact stating they want a free trial or purchase a specific software edition; along with the email address of the person that referred them.
    • When the person being referred makes a purchase, both you and your friend will receive the reward mentioned above within 2 weeks. Both the Referrer and Referee will be notified by email once the rewards have been applied.
    • There's no limit to how many people you can refer. The more friends you bring on board, the more rewards you can earn!
    • To refer you must have an active lease or support and updates package. You cannot refer the same person more than once. The referred party must be a new customer with no previous lease or purchase history.

    Ready to start earning rewards? Share this post with as many friends you know!
    murray t turtle likes this.
  2. Falling on deaf ears in this crowd :)