Problem Solver: Money

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Aquarians, May 4, 2024.

  1. For Orthodox Easter I'm back in my 1700 persons town accomodating 5 churches, oldest one from the 14th century:
    - Orthodox
    - Catholic
    - Evangelical
    - Lutheran
    - (most recent) Baptist or Pentacostal, I've no idea although it's right in the town center

    I left my 1700 persons town for a half million inhabitants city where life is much simpler if you got what it takes, which is money.

    Still boggles my mind that my home villagers are reluctant to accepting a simple fact of life: there are no problems, only too little money. Once you throw enough money at a problem, any problem, it will go away.

    I'm Orthodox btw, but my way of thinking seems more general. Who else thinks this way?
    murray t turtle likes this.
  2. %%
    WORKED IN million pop cities. Our county has about 30 k people, biggest city about 8k
    Ive gone to Lutheran , Baptist + Pentacostal Bible churches, prefer the last 2:caution::caution:.
    l Liked best living in rural areas+ still do. Even though rural areas can lack some things;
    WMT,DG, DLTR do fine.....................................................:caution::caution::caution: