Thanks for the explanation. I guess that's why I couldn't find "the" cash market, because there are several. Does a cash market exist for these...
I haven't found it. Just in case, I want to be precise: I'm looking for information on the underlying for which the bund futures are the...
What is the cash market for the bund futures and what time does it trade? I've googled but haven't found much.
I wouldn't know about those days, I started 2007 and spent 2 years clueless & lost. ;) But trading bund now for 6 months and I love it. To...
Isn't this true of all markets? Is there a market that the algos aren't in?? Maybe these algos closed some opportunities and opened others.
Maybe what one sees as a problem is opportunity for someone else? My expectancy is 2 ticks and my equity curve is very smooth. I'm now working...
I'm surprised so many people said the Bund was not good for trading. Maybe back in 2007 that was the case but I've been trading it for 6 months...
Hey I remember you too. That was a long time ago.. maybe 2 years? I was too blind/naif/dumb to realize just how right you were at the time. 2...
Everyone has their own feeling about simulator and I'd like to offer you mine. Being profitable can take several years. I don't see any reason...
A couple bund trades. Nothing fantastic but if you want the details you can find them here. [img]
After shorting 1207 and covering 1187 (a bit too early I must admit) I went long 1174 and just covered at 189.75. Probably early on the exit this...
I really don't understand the question. Can you elaborate? I trade "by hand" because I react to what's happening. I try to dance with the...
That was part of my idea for the blog to discuss my trading. And in the process I realized what I was doing (with the cycles & timeframes) was...
It's in the previous post.
I totally agree on the first part there. Ninjatrader is very smart. It's free for simulator & backtesting. So once I thought I had an edge, I...
Separate names with a comma.