an ecn And IB isn't being considered here. They filter their tick data too much and you have to fork over a grand to buy Ninjatrader,...
I want a ecn forex broker that works with Ninjatrader. Looks to me like I have a choice between MBT and PFG. Anyone have any experience with...
Thanks for the info folks. Sounds exactly like it was eight to ten years ago. It was insane getting quotes and fills even when I was calling the...
Thanks for the quick replies. Any brokers you would recommend that have access to these quotes?
I am considering trading futures options spreads again (I did that about ten years ago). I was wondering if any of the firms have electronic...
CMS has been very slow during high market volatility for me: ten minutes one time to know my fill. They do honor their stop losses well though....
I was wondering if anyone was using J trader with Ninjatrader at Global Futures and what their experience was. Reliability, speed, customer...
Try MACD: 1,50,1 Use one as the first MA, 50 or whatever you want as the MA, and 1 and the smoothing average. Then draw a horizontal line...
I tried CMC, but their platform was very buggy and crashed constantly on my box. frogy
Anyone using a broker/dealer with a 3 pip cable spread? Preferrably one that has either mini or flex contracts. Thanks, frogy
Thanks late apex: just what I was looking for. frogy
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