The OP points out the trader uses "activity" to signal "buy" or "sell". I agree. The time offset between the signal and the price beginning...
Other: Use volume to determine turns. Analyze what action to take on a turn: reverse, early entry, hold thru or sideline.
Could you give us a list of the ten most important accurate applications you made? Pls explain you method of determining accuracy and the range...
You have been doing a bootstrap for 13 years. I did that for 40 days. after that I helped others for about 57 years. It was sad to see that...
I do use just one single anticipatory indicator signal in my hold/reversal trading to take the full offer of the market intraday. It is three...
All of the text is SOP for those who "tape read" and have converted to using T&S and the DOM to "call" turns. This is a rare example of using...
notice the page is posting volume data primarily.
The OP said he is an academic. As such he wishes to know why, he says. This thread is rolling along mostly on the basis of PA. Certainly money...
both are lats. in the log the top one is sym >>>lat 3 and the bottom one is FBP>>>lat 3 No volume measurements are made for bars 2 and 3. If...
Different strokes for different folks. I'm more or less oriented to a low fat diet.
The IRS makes mistakes. They do not like to deal with their errors. Once they respond in writing that they do not understand, then it is wise to...
Thanks for your wishes. I'm finally being "Rolfed" on a 5 day schedule with osteopathic work and relaxing massages weekly. My daily protein...
Most of the commentary centers in inter market correlation. For making money one has to profit from the market's offer. As has been reported...
It is best to chose a proper Universe for trading stocks. Quality is the measure so use EPS and RS and a proper daily volume range. Adjust both...
See inserts above.
Separate names with a comma.