believe it or not, one of the trader from Worldco told me that he used to pay more than $80 for 1000 shares bullet when he started seven months ago.
sorry guys.. when I said $60 for 1000 shares, I was talking about bullet cost. Worldco offered me $60 for 1000 shares of bullet and Lynx...
there is no desk charge at Lynx capital...
Worldco said they will charge me around $60 per 1000 shares and 1000 share is minimum. To me, it much better than Worldco's offer.
I've decided not to take the Worldco's offer. And after I talk to Lynx Capital guys, I realized that Worldco's offer was pretty shitty offer....
Thanks a lot guys for those great comments. After I got lay off from IBM (last Feb.), I started day trading with $30,000 capital. I have learned...
I just got an offer from Worldco (NY location). 1. I have to put down $5000 2. I will keep 80% of my profit. 3. If there is loss, they will...
Their commision is .01375 cents per share for Nasdaq and .01 cents for NYSE with no ECN fee.
Michael, I use TS6 and love your commision structure. I just have one question about the software. Can we create a link between level II box...
Separate names with a comma.