I closed out my HDB position -- because I felt uncomfortable with the margin percentage I was using in these now uncertain times & don't want to...
have you thought of using a database? sql server express or ms access? 'find me the lowest price within this date range' is easy to do in sql....
It depends on why they decline. For the most part, I'm not short term trading, but investing. If a stock declines for no fundamental reason,...
real money
I consider it from time to time, but I always end up having a hard time considering what a good strategy would be. Given my portfolio, any...
Sold the MSFT purchase I made on 7/18 at $27.22 /share a few minutes ago. Still hold the original lot mentioned in my first post. Expect MSFT...
Hi fickle: I've been a buy & hold for 6 months - 2 years investor for most of my investing life -- buy a company, and then check up on it once...
Also, the active shopping around for a buyer for Hulu is confusing me a bit (instead of keeping it private or ipo'ing it) Hulu is owned by...
I might as well use this Journal for market related commentary thats not directly related to my portolio: A month ago, I believed large tech...
How do you generally decide what the strike price on the calls should be? Do you have a standard rule or does it vary based on the stock?...
Took2Summit: Thanks for the comment. I see you've already started your journal. Hopefully I'll be able to steal some ideas from it :)
doublet: thanks for your opinion I agree with the risks/concerns you listed. I'm not an expert on solar or power, so my opinion is formed on...
I ended up holding my additional msft shares. If it stays around 27 in the morning I'll probably sell them as I feel MSFT will drop further --...
MSFT had a good day today. If it remains strong tommorrow, I'll sell the addition I made to it from the other day -- take the 4% profit on that...
If I believe in a stock / company, I'm willing to wait it out for it to prove itself. For example, I held EGHT for 4 years; most of the time I...
Separate names with a comma.