Last Activity:
Sep 5, 2018
Mar 17, 2002


Maverick74 was last seen:
Sep 5, 2018
    1. jitasb
      I'm trying to get in touch with Bano, exWorldCo trader. I was a member of his tradingRaw group a while back, but I left due to other commitments. Looks like he closed it down. I'm looking to get back into trading with a mentor /coach and jsut wondered if you knew how to get in touch with him. Thanks
    2. IamRichTrader
      I am looking for someone who can code a tradingview indicator for multicharts NET having problems locating one you know anyone
    3. Diamond
    4. proppytrader
      Mav, I've often wondered why you still post here. I stopped 10 years ago and only re entry got bored and started under a different handle. Consider doing what a Bills player did at halftime today: changed into street clothes and retired.
      I don't see how you get any benefit from this site.
    5. NSEGuru
      Hi, Maverick
      I Hope you must be fine,

      I have Trend Line AFL and want to add Scan / Exploration features on it.
      Bcoz lack of AFL Coding Knowledge, Need some help with AFL (Scan,Explore) Modification.

      I always obliged to you..
      Thank and Regards

      My EMail ID-
    6. NSEGuru
      I would be greatful to help me with the code of VWAP Weekly/Monthly/Yearly in AFL, It would also like to Exploration it using Auto Analysis AmiBroker function.

      My Contact

      Thank and Regards
      1. jadey likes this.
    7. amsterdam
      Mav, out of curiosity, what platform do you trade with?
      1. Maverick74
        Apr 6, 2018
        amsterdam likes this.
    8. punisher
      Hi Mav. Thanks for a huge contribution on ACD method. I just missed what you guys typically use for weekly and monthly ORs. Is that entire first day of the week/month respectively? Also when you spoke of "confirmed" weekly or monthly (i.e. following week "confirmed" monthly Aup...) did you mean that the next week "stayed" above monthly Aup or that it retested is from the other (top) side and rejected it? Thanks mate!
    9. TradeAI
      My husband is trading and has come up with his own method. He has done the backtesting and success with it but very little actual trading. He is an astronautical engineer and thinks his theory is really good. I’m just doing a bit of research to see what is actually working for others. I’d greatly appreciate and feedback. Thank you
    10. WLDCO__WGD
      Hey Maverick, I was deep down the rabbit hole last night, after searching "worldco" and reading numerous threads. Although unsure of your identity l am certain we were within 15 feet in room with Adam, Saul, JB, AS, love to connect if you have time and desire. Thanks for letting me relive all the memories!
      1. MacR likes this.
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