Hondas, Toyotas, Mazdas, Hyundais gotta be the ugliest cars I have ever seen. If I had to drive one of those I would want tints so no one can see...
We all lose if they go under. The rest of the world has been paying high gas prices and have done nothing about it. The rest of the world is...
A quote from this page "he would be the greatest President of our time. In our lifetime we have never seen a candidate with closer ideas to...
It showed up as a dividend but apparently it was a spinoff of a delisted MXIM. I ended up with a bunch of MXIM shares I had to unload. Bottom...
SMH had a huge $1.43 dividend on 10/12, it kind of messed up the charts but it was nice regardless. Here is a chart showing the dividend, and the...
Here's some more quotes by Thomas Jefferson, also some by Reagan.
Bringing this lady to the court house several times, I have found inconsistencies in average statistics. 75% of all peolpe being charged were 60...
It's worse, they are trying to put a 80 year old woman injail for a bogus story that is not true and evidence shows this. Even if it were true...
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in...
Isn't a bumper to bumper warranty, bumper to bumper? My mother's Hyundai which only has 30,000 miles has it's air bag light and check engine...
If you expose your strategy there could easily be more traders on your side of the trade than the other which would cause the mm's to reverse,...
Has anyone documented probabilities of their system for both when they do not use it and when they use it? Have you compared the two and noticed...
Separate names with a comma.