More despicable details as to what this lowlife Alexis Ampudia, Jr., was up to (with yet-to-be-named accomplices?): DISTRICT ATTORNEY - NEW...
An updated SEC filing on the pump & dump identity thief and so-called daytrader: Updates: Litigation Releases U.S. SECURITIES AND...
Re a cynical post farther up above, I have no idea who the thread-starter is.
Scrap any silly specter of "sales pitch", and a mistaken mystery of "a lot of math involved". :) For anybody really interested in pair trading...
IMHO and very distant view, the Bright Trading acting CFO lineage is most likely something close to this: CEO Bob > Bob>Tammy > PRES (& acting...
Right. Every serious trader should have a copy of the Stock Trader's Almanac at hand for daily reference - even if it's just one current copy... Windows Vista Software and Hardware reviews:
John Visconti?
Way to go, Mav! I knew you'd be up for a head-to-head futures trading challenge with Bob Bright. Only thing is, being primarily an equities...
Suggestion: Rephrase your question to leave out courses and books after doing an ET Search, ask it in the active thread below, or PM Mav (his PM...
Right, my notes show that futures, options trader Mav said that a good directional, volatility trader can sell options, including naked premium,...
And so the War is on - ad infinitum, you can be sure. Look for Apple to be coming out with its updated OS and hardware by late-June, possibly...
How does the saying go (to include Microsoft) - "He who has the gold, rules"?...
Well, how about then going to Vegas (the other financial capitol of the world) in November - for the wide-open Traders Expo - to meet a few...
All of the commodity computer box makers and hardware/peripheral mfgrs have been waiting for the Vista consumer rollout as their Viagra for sales.
Separate names with a comma.