You might want to have them bring the USS Enterprise a little closer to the CME. Your "ping test" to aurora Illinois must be measured in Julian...
Yes, me too .......- i'm just looking out for your safety. ...... "A futures trader was found 'cooked medium rare' in his home office today"... OR stop by your local "glass shop" :)
I've been through a few hurricanes, they just keep coming, hour after hour after hour. It's 300 miles away, don't get caught playing golf in...
I got this email last night from the CME
I've always wanted to buy a restaurant (and still hope to), similar to something like this . I'm assuming this is a "Mom and Pop" establishment...
You said it brother, I think that's why "a couple of you guys" are so helpful in this Hardware Forum. Simply, they've been there done that, or as...
I'm assuming it's a typo for "top screen." Quote,,,,,,, "I can't move from the tor screen to the bottom." Any progress, taclander ?
I posted a response, when I did you said you fixed it, so I deleted my post. Now I have an appointment and have to leave, sorry. You're in good...
HAVE YOU SEEN THE FIRST EVER DOUBLE BARREL .45 There's a video at the bottom of the article, but I haven't figured out how to embed them. :(...
Thanks, I'll check out the link, and take a peek at the book trader.
Does IB's TWS have a DOM? Or are you suggesting a third party add-on like, ButtonTrader, Ninja Trader and Bracket-Trader.
nutmeg You have some good stuff here, thanks for your time, effort and the post. This (line of thought) has book and movie deal all over it,...
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