This is the biggest problem since I have been with them. In the past there has been only a few (acceptable) times when Navigator was down. The...
It could be a probable a personality flaw. (psychological damage from childhood) 1. Fear of Success 2. Lack of Faith
I will look forward to seeing more. This will help for those few. Could you please post, or send me, the actual spreadsheet? I would like to...
Pychology is for stragglers, and begginers, as well as profitable people (in their respective field). Ex: Tony Soprano Jeffrey:)
Article: An Anxiety Cure by Ruth Barrons Roosevelt "Hope is not a strategy: it's a simple emotion." said retired army Major General William...
It is possible to get inspired by hearing what others can do, but it is the probability of your work you'd rather absorb to set goals. Your...
Friday, May 14, 2004 Frasier says, "While it's tempting to play it safe, the more we're willing to risk, the more alive we are. In the end, what...
Two areaâs to address from your post. 1). Youâve identified a change in your P/L after you seemingly burned out. 2) You want to...
Understanding how most human behavior is controlled by money (and sex), allows him to observe others behavior, and align himself, if he choses,...
Thanks Gregg. I am also curious as to how prop trading firms treat their computers. I am not very good with research. A few attempts with...
Should a desktop workstation be left on? I used a desktop in the 90's while running a business. I know it was on at least a year at a time....
Replace with =IF(A1="SHORT",B1*C1*D1,B1*C1*D1) Hopefully those who need a worksheet are smart enough to figure it out. I just wanted to...
Replace this qoute for futures with my previous post. The minus 1 added to point calculation is the cost of spread on NQ's. For a ES...
Futures: Correction: The points column needs the formula to change the number to - if long. I'll have hold off before posting. Sorry, for...
Correction: The default is set with the last entry.(Long or Short)
The only way it defaults is if you don't fill in the position column short/long. These formula's work: Futures...
Thanks, I'll give it a try here. I had to go back and edit my post. I got confused between my stock and futures spread sheets. Again, Thanks.
Yahooooo!!!! lol
Separate names with a comma.