No cross margining. This is a big issue for hedge funds and alot of investors who hedge their stock portfolio with futures. If you do so, you...
Don't forget the cotton industry. They spend millions keeping hemp cultivation illegal. Hemp blows cotton away as far as ease of production...
Congratulations on employing a successful strategy in this market. You've hedged much better than I, that's for sure:D . I stock by my handle...
It's not all that big of a contract and it should work out well. I spoke with some people from ICE at the FIA show and this product is...
Yep, we use ttsim at my shop and that doesn't look right. Does AMP host ttsim or do you go through ttnet?...
do you offer tt charts (xstudy)?
If there is no money to be made in writing options, I'd have been out of this gig long ago but I've been doing this for almost 20 years. There's...
Education may be relevant for an investor. Someone willing to break down all of the fundamentals and build portfolios. Traders, not so much...
Chicago lives and breathes trading. You can't go anywhere without running into other traders. For someone breaking into trading, you can't find...
Any reputable futures broker should have access to FX options at CME.
Options trading software covers a broad range of functionality. What do you need out of the software? Order execution? price updates? strategy...
I didn't see the big move in CHF, but I love trading that thing. It's the hyper-active brother that follows around EUR and overextends it's moves.
What are you using to trade your options Texas?
I understand your point, but without giving away too much of my proprietary trading methods, I use CVD as a source of confirmation. In the period...
I did well in AUS/CAD. I believe that's one of the spreads you were fading me on. I got crushed in the ge spreads. lately i've been buying...
CT, i do speak from experience. i've traded fx futures on floor of cme, fx futures and cash off the floor for funds (and myself) and fx futures,...
There's no filtering on and I've used CVD since it's release. I have great confidence in it. Why do you question the readout?
You will get destroyed trying to trade cash fx. It's unregulated and they prey on retail traders. Stick to exchange traded contracts. 6E, the...
Better now Rt. I think I spent too much time posting charts and not analyzing markets a few weeks back and got smoked pretty good. I'm still...
I'll take a long term position on fundamentals and then scalp the spread during the day using autospreader.
Separate names with a comma.