When I say "stop-loss" I don't mean placing an actual order as a stop..but rather if I'm short something, the futures are ticking down..and that...
stop out. The winners should/do make up for the losers. cas
Out of all of the trading software i've used over the years (cyber, atfi, firstalert, esignal, BMI, and a few others) esignal has been one of the...
As much as I agree about the potential problems created by continual upgrades, I have to say that IB has made alot of improvements over the...
it sounds like Guinn is asking the gross one to be pushed back..but i'm looking for more info in general. This is the overall tax proposal from...
What link is that on NV gross business tax? A friend of mine was dealing with something like that in CA. Thanks, cas
ok, thanks vhehn..i thought something was strange. I checked those with 2 sources (Esignal and FirstAlert) They must be picking up that NASD...
Just wondering if my data is off for today's open..I noticed something interesting (if the data is correct) Stock pclose open C...
I demo'd it before....not saying its bad in anyway..just that rather than streaming as symbols hit filters, it pulses as the browser refreshes....
The browser update is annoying to me. Maybe its because I've used FirstAlert for so long..but the refresh on the browser kills it for me...even...
Other than the 2min rule....hard to say. maybe ask IB to trace the order back the exchange. I send 40 OO orders every morning with IB...I have...
No pop-up Friday or Monday AM. Must have been a server based thing. either way, thanks again Def for fixing that...makes trading the first few...
def, great....thanks! since we are on the subject of OO's, I have to add my 2 cents in with nitro..indications would be great. Thanks cas
def, the reply is greatly appreciated. Even if a check-box to turn on/off the pop-up was added....if IB really wants to have these type of...
I send 30-40 orders every day. I never got the pop-up until I went to the newer build....but it is when the OPG turns red. Very annoying...and...
I posted this on IB's msgs board....but since people here use IB for OpeningOrders, I thought I'd post it here as well.....need to get IB to fix...
I tried it awhile back, but dropped it as soon as I realized that you can not do charts on the ES or NQ..either intra day or daily. I wanted to...
Get the 516build on the 7.2 Beta....the high CPU/freezing on fast adv chart moves seems to be fixed. I used to have the same problem. On the...
Problem with Crabel's book....hard to find......unless someone knows a good place to buy it?? cas
I had serious lag here as well....IB data was way ahead of e-signal cas
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