I'm interested in having a look at it. Is it available yet?
I just came came from watching a movie (illusionist) with a friend who is a surgeon. There is no way in hell I would ever ever want to do a job...
I love it. I knew you were going to come back with the one word yes answer. I'm just playing wth you guys I'm sure there excellent ways to...
No I'm not making millions. When I do I will let everyone know, don't worry. What I want to know is the potential for this approach. Are there...
You know whats funny. There are guys, I would even go as far to say that they are smucks. No univeristy degree no masters degree etc, who are...
cointegration/error correction model ..... time series .... stationary data.... blah blah blah blah I hate all you bastards for making me look...
Whatever you pussy. I can say whatever I want. Personally I could not give a rats ass what you or someone else thinks. ''Fucking'' Panzies....
Yes you can. They are pretty wild. Those kim-chi eating bastards have one hell of a liquid market.
Decrease you time/frame and lean to scalp. There are usually about 3-4 primo setups per day on the ES. You slap this pig with 100 contracts or...
Yes Holmes. That happened. You live and you learn. It happened to me at a relatively young age in my 20s. I can tell you this somethýng like...
That only comes ýf you are confident in your system. What you are inadvertently saying is that you should make sure that you have a solid system...
4 to 7 years are you fucking retarded? I have horse size balls that require massaging please begin massaging as you please. Better yet send your...
First off I would like to say that you are all closet gays with small wieners. Secondly, I would like to say that you can make money and lots...
Then do somethýng else. Its that simple. Why put yourself through all the suffering ýf ýts so hard. Get a normal job.
Ever hear of taking profýts. That ''individual/professional'' whose probably doýng 20-50 contracts most lýkely took 1/2 off after a...
Why stop at just runnýng a hedge fund? Whýle your at ýt why not also become a surgeon and pro basketball player and the pýmp of all pýmps....
Absolutely Unequivocally Impossible.
Good move for ATI not so good for AMD ýn my opinion. I use to work at ATI as a company ýt sucked ''BIG TIME''.
nysekiller is reardonmetals mini me
It depends on a lot of factors. ** Do you have someone showing the ropes? ** Do you have the right make up? ** Are you under pressure...
Separate names with a comma.