"Best Daytrader Alive"

Discussion in 'Trading' started by BKR88, Oct 1, 2024.

  1. BKR88


    Anyone want to challenge him?
    Dest, you're usually up for challenge. :)
    Options trader.
    ***Down $300K today.
  2. Wow... what have we been doing wrong?
  3. You can follow him on Discord for $100 per month. He might be wise as he will need that subscriber money in the foreseeable future. I mean with that speed large drawdowns are just a matter of time. Let's see if he can get out quickly too when there is a seven digit loss coming wiping out over 95% of all his prior success. Anyone knows his strategy behind ? Just go all in on MEME stocks with deep Out of the money options or what ? I just hope he does not risk his due tax gains coming next year when January comes, because then it can get really hard. How much are taxes for short term gains in USA ? What happens if you make $$ millions in 2024 but loose more than two third of those gains in first quarter of 2025 ? What happens then in the US tax system ?
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2024
    BKR88 likes this.
  4. Coin Flip

    Coin Flip

    He sounds like a humble trader.
  5. S2007S


    Why so many people believe these types of posts is quite funny.
    MACD, KCalhoun and EdgeHunter like this.
  6. S2007S


    Yep and he bought his dream car too...

    Typical Twitter and reddit posts....

  7. You need a lot of trust in your analysis and trading setups. Myself I have seen too many failures and errors that I would not believe that if I had same ex ante setups. So I would never go all-in that much and then ride that so far. That is the advantage if you start fresh in your early days, there is no any bad past or historical experiences. What can go wrong ? This he might never ask I assume ( so far).

    I heard once of a 16 year old futures trader trading big SP500 futures contracts over phone when there was no electronic market and he made within 2 years over 9 digit net worth to a couple of hundred millions Deutsch Mark. But never again something similar came to my ears.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2024
  8. mervyn


    if the post is real, good for him, be him a yolo trader or risk taker.

    don’t underestimate the young kids these days. if he understands how futures market works, albeit lack of formal education or track record, he can make supersized returns.

    age is never a hurdle for trading.

    i did turn 15k into 200k within 2 months holiday rally back in 2022. i can see the rewards are there.
  9. tomkat22


    That kid needs to keep in mind the market has it's own version of Murphy's Law. Plus little mini Black Swan events. Nobody saw that Iranian attack coming(well except maybe US and Israeli intelligence agencies).
  10. taowave


    The Iran responce was only a question of when..

    #10     Oct 1, 2024