Biden Pushing For Dishonourable Discharges, Court Martials For Troops Who Refuse Vaccines

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Scataphagos, Sep 23, 2021.

  1. Snarkhund likes this.
  2. elderado


    C'mon, man!

    The CCP gave us the virus, and the CCP is giving Joe instructions on how to weaken our military? And this is a surprise, why?

    Meanwhile, Hunter is getting FUCKING RICH!
    Snarkhund and TreeFrogTrader like this.
  3. gwb-trading


  4. Mercor


    The left thinks all unvaccinated are anti-vaxxers and are Trump white racists
    So with mandating vaccines they really think they are purging society and the military of these people..

    But as we know the left always runs over people of color , who pay the price

    Snarkhund likes this.
  5. Sure, but Biden reminds us on a daily basis that his son Beau was at the bombing of Pearl Harbor so he has that military experience. And also, people in his family have died, and no other American can understand what that is like because other families do not have tragedies and people live forever so he is an expert on the military, grief, and foreign affairs.

    Wipe out an entire family and a U.S aid worker with a politically needed missile attack = Keep your job in the military

    Turn the country into the laughing stock of the world as a result of Kabul= Keep your job

    Abandon Americans behind enemy lines while cutting and running = Keep your job in the military.

    Fail to defend American borders as required by the constitution= Keep your job in the military

    Hand over a complete arsenal of modern weaponry to our terrorist enemies= keep your job in the military

    Fail to get a vaccine= Automatic discharge from military.

  6. Not only discharged but done so with disgrace. A dishonorable could cause one great grief over his lifetime. At least with a general discharge there is some doubt as to the merits of your being let go.
    Snarkhund likes this.
  7. Bugenhagen


    Smarten up the military getting shot of the idiots? Maybe they will win a war, wouldn't that be something?
  8. gwb-trading


    Let's remind Scat that refusing an order in the military is grounds for a court martial and dishonorable discharge.

    There have been mandates in the military for vaccinations in for decades. Anyone who refused a vaccine or drug (let's say for clap) in the military was court-martialed and dishonorably discharged. This has been in place for a long time -- the Covid vaccine is just the latest addition to the list of required military vaccines so the U.S. can have an effective fighting force unencumbered by disease.
  9. Snarkhund


    To receive a Dishonorable Discharge you must have done something dishonorable like being convicted of a violent crime in Civilian or Military court.

    It is the outcome reserved for criminals who don't quite reach the level of incarceration in Leavenworth. The worst of the worst get a Dishonorable.

    To apply that to service members who are serving honorably but do not wish to receive the Vax is inappropriate and extreme. It is an expression of malice and a decision to destroy lives.

    If the policy is allowed to be implemented I can see where there would be lots of potential Timmy McVeighs running around.

    I knew an E-4 who lost his shit and smashed up an AIM-7 missile with a mallet while it was hanging on an F-4 in a hangar. He got a General Discharge.

    When I was 18 I went TDY to Germany and my buddy and I were attacked in a bar in Landstuhl with the result that we smashed up the bar, several germans, 2 attack dogs, several cars and a Polizei van. The USAF had to fly me out to England immediately with the Polizei at the main gate of Ramstein demanding we be turned over.

    Result? Letter of Reprimand, no loss of rank or any punitive action. Just to put a Dishonorable Discharge in perspective. Later I got a Good Conduct Medal lol.

    Its malice, pure malice.
    Van_der_Voort_4, Wallet and elderado like this.
  10. gwb-trading


    Let's see what the below article says...

    While "military service members could be dishonorably discharged from service for refusing to get a required vaccine. Our experts say that's one of the harshest punishments, and it's more likely they would face a lower level of disciplinary action."

    Let's read some more...

    The COVID-19 vaccine is hardly the first vaccine that military service members have been required to receive. An Air Force spokesperson told the Verify team that the Department of Defense "requires 17 total vaccines under varying circumstances for its service members."

    The Military Health System website outlines the required vaccines and dosages for military members deployed to different regions of the world, like Typhoid, Anthrax and Yellow Fever. Military Law attorney Mike Hanzel explains that for the most part, vaccine requirements exist for operational readiness; service members need to be prepared to deploy at all times.

    "Historically, militaries don't work if people are not operationally ready and they are not deployable," Hanzel explained. "If Pearl Harbor happens, or 9/11 happens, people need to be ready at a moment's notice to deploy. And if they are sick, they're not going to be ready."

    As for the consequences, both Hanzel and David P. Sheldon, another Military Law attorney, referenced the same section of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: Article 92, which addresses the failure to obey a legal order.

    "In essence, the charge would be you are violating Article 92 by refusing a direct order," Sheldon said. "And the direct order, in this case, would be to get the vaccine."


    There are different levels of military discharge that could come into play here. They can happen via the administrative, or non-judicial, route, or, in the most serious circumstances, from a court-martial.

    On the lightest administrative end, there's an Honorable Discharge. The next level is General Discharge Under Honorable Conditions, in which a member can be denied GI benefits. The most serious administrative discharge is an Other Than Honorable discharge, often reserved for forms of misconduct. Hanzel said these are not necessarily considered punishments, but characterizations.

    If a service member is convicted in a court-martial, that can result in a Bad Conduct Discharge or a Dishonorable Discharge. Those come with the most restrictions to future enlistment and receipt of benefits. Sheldon told the Verify team that while these are technically possible, he believes it unlikely that refusing a vaccine would result in something this severe.

    VERIFY: Yes, military service members who refuse COVID vaccine could be removed from service
    While the consequences for refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine could be as severe as a court-martial, most service members would face much less.
    #10     Sep 23, 2021