Billionaire Steve Cohen Has a Plan to Become the King of Queens

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by ETJ, May 1, 2023.

  1. ETJ


    Billionaire Steve Cohen Has a Plan to Become the King of Queens; To win a coveted New York casino license, he's 'hired the best team that money can buy.'
    Laura Nahmias and Gregory Korte - Bloomberg
    Steve Cohen likes to boast that he'll spend whatever it takes to win. He did it over three decades building his $27.2 billion investment business, buying the New York Mets for $2.4 billion in 2020 and then assembling a team to win the World Series at such incredible cost - his $353 million payroll is the highest in MLB history - that rival owners dubbed a penalty teams must pay when their payroll exceeds a certain level the "Cohen tax."
    777 likes this.
  2. maxinger


  3. I love his trading edge.
    easymon1 likes this.
  4. easymon1


    That edge comes from methods and stats.
    The house don't gamble.
    SimpleMeLike likes this.
  5. Hello easymon1,

    yep, I agree with you. But Steve case was bit different regarding his edge.
  6. Pekelo


    If I were him I would throw a few billions on life longevity research instead. He is getting old...
    murray t turtle and RedDuke like this.
  7. Pitch him on your genius baking soda idea. LOLOZzz
    ElCubano and Frederick Foresight like this.
  8. Pekelo


    I don't think he sweats that much. And that idea wasn't for longevity, pay attention!

    Also there was not much wrong with the idea, there are just better methods to achieve the same result.
  9. M.W.


    This guy seems to be addicted to building himself a legacy. Never understood such drive. Does he lack empathy to love or are his kids resenting him? What boggles my mind is that despite all their IQ and skills they seem to be utterly ignorant about the fact that they can't take a single thing with them into the grave, including legacy. The western phenomenon of a mausuleum. What does this guy still have to prove to himself...sad...instead of doing good in the world with the blessings he has been bestowed with he must build a casino out of all things? That's why I take Buffet or Gates any day over guys like Cohen. At least those guys get the point of life and purpose. Even a social outcast who volunteers at the local foodbank invests more in creation and living a purpose driven life than some of those restless wanderers with billions to squander.

    Clubber Lang and jys78 like this.
  10. M.W.


    If you understood a thing about life it's that living 80 or 90 years on this planet is about all a soul with the capability to reason can tolerate.

    #10     May 2, 2023