Can This Man PROVE That God Exists? Piers Morgan vs Stephen Meyer

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by Chuck Rost, Jun 9, 2024.

  2. notagain


    If you pay too much attention to the reason why, you'll start noticing coincidences as answers.
    If you question god by objectively setting yourself apart to a vantage point, your skull will feel like it's splitting, requiring drugs and belief in communism.
  3. themickey


    Christians are believers, they want to be believers.
    Christians would make poor traders as they want to be believers.
    What they think, has to be right, as they are believers that they are right.
    If a trade goes wrong they won't believe they were wrong, they'll believe the market is wrong.

    Christian therefore will NEVER believe they are scammed in their religious beliefs.
    God forbid! :)

    Christians believe if they question their faith, god will be mightly pissed off because they are wavering.
  4. themickey


    The way the stupid jews present god in their stupid beliefs, it doesn't take much for god to get angry.
    They call god "Father".
    I have pesonal experience with angry fathers, they are nothing more than cunts!
  5. If you want to know what a demonic possession looks like look no further than this Nonsensical Gobbledygook and psychobabble.
  6. This is a TELL!
  7. themickey


    Keep up living your delusions.
    "The devil is out to get you". RUN!
  8. themickey


    When you live in a tunnel vision world of delusion, its nigh on impossible to escape it.

    Think about it.
    Christianity has been around for centuries.
    Its very splintered.
    Every church / congregation has a (slightly) different interpretation.
    All christians think they are guided by god.
    All christians think they are right.
    All christians have a different opinion.

    How does that work?
    The one same god, all thinking differently, all adamant they have it right.

    Answer: Because its a flawed doctrine.

    When you live in a tunnel vision world of delusion, its nigh on impossible to see reality.
  9. themickey


    Humans have been on this planet centuries.
    God is one god, consistent, unchanged according to jews / christianity.

    How come jesus just rocked up ~2024 years ago?
    Why then?
    If god/jesus came to save the world, why leave it to then, why not do it immediately after mythical Adam & Eve?

    "Oh I'll give you a long winded excuse, have you got a couple of hours so I can spin you another convoluted bs story from my pulpit?"