Can you share your experience with moomoo

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by curiosity, Dec 5, 2024.

  1. Yes name sounds weird but they are US registered broker and clearing firm as well. So they don't have to rely on 3rd party clearing firm like Apex.

    I am mainly concerned about the margin requirement for short option strategies.
    Many brokers have substantially higher margin requirement 40% of the underlying for naked put
    Also concerned about any withdrawal issues.

    They are free but at what cost?
    Please share.
  2. maxinger


    right. The name sounds odd.
  3. tony.m


    moomoo is owned by futu.
  4. tony.m


    I would not open account with moomoo or Webull
    VicBee likes this.
  5. Ok but care to explain your reasoning ?
  6. Please share your reasoning?
  7. tony.m


    In short China based brokers are know to misuse customer data.
    Search "Webull misusing customer data"
    VicBee and curiosity like this.
  8. tony.m


    "Webull Financial has drawn a multistate inquiry into whether the Chinese-owned trading platform may have exposed US clients' personal and financial information."
    curiosity likes this.
  9. VERY RISKY SHORTING NAKED! Don't be a dope.
  10. mervyn


    talked about hsbc sold data to the fed on haiwei, i ams surprised they are still allowed to do business in china.

    data is shared to the regulators, here and there, same rule applies.
    #10     Dec 5, 2024
    tony.m likes this.