Climate change is pushing up food prices — and worrying central banks

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Bugsy, Jul 4, 2024.

  1. Bugsy


    spy, Badkarma, Axon and 2 others like this.
  2. Q.E.D.


    Jest aside, the blame should always be placed fully on Central Banks.

    A particular crop may be impacted by climate change, but not baskets of commodities, metals, art, real estate, insurance rates, health costs, stock prices, etc., etc.
    spy and Clubber Lang like this.
  3. maxinger


    Climate change is pushing down grain prices

    Corn futures
    Apr 2022 - 825
    Jul 2024 - 405

    ie a massive 50% price reduction in just 2 years!

    A similar pattern happens for soya, wheat ...
    Axon and murray t turtle like this.
  4. ktm


    If we can't blame our own racism, homophobia or xenophobia - the weather is always a good fallback.
    Axon, Clubber Lang and Bugsy like this.
  5. Bugsy


    Don't forget it also being every country on Earth simultaneously price gouging.
    ktm likes this.
  6. SunTrader


    Yup is that crazy Fed, not all those droughts in many parts of the world and flooding in others.
  7. Media playbook 101. Blame…

    1- Trump
    2- Climate Change
    3- Racism
    murray t turtle, ktm and Bugsy like this.
  8. Bugsy


    And Russia. I find it hilarious that back when Romney brought up Russia in the presidential debates Obama joked, "The 1980s called. They want their foreign policy back." The entire media and liberal left AND right laughed, because it was absurd then just as much as now.

    The difference is when the Democrats and RINOs push Russia Russia Russia now...well...the right still laughs, but the Left doesn't have two braincells to rub together and think for themselves. So of course, they fall right into low IQ lockstep as soon as the establishment tells them what they are now to think, just as they did back then when Obama told them it was a joke.

    They can't think for themselves. They are instructed on what they are to think.
  9. vanzandt


  10. SunTrader


    Amazing in this day and age how something as simple as climate gets weaponized.

    Its right there in front of our eyes, ears and noses yet so many blissfully ignore it or just swallow whole what the fringes regurgitate.
    #10     Jul 5, 2024