"Hand by hand analysis of 99 trading days, 10005 deals, win rate of 100%" basic data analysis

Discussion in 'Trading' started by upup_EA, Jun 14, 2024.

  1. upup_EA


    "Hand by hand analysis of 99 trading days, 10005 deals, win rate of 100%" basic data analysis
    Some friends on some of my trading data, some questions here I do some answers.

    1, is holding overnight fees, some platforms support Islam, exempt overnight fees, some collect, gold varieties, generally long positions are charged overnight fees, short positions to earn overnight fees;
    2, is the stop loss price why not set? It is also written in my book that if a stop loss price is set, the platform operator can see the trader's bottom card on the background server, and it is easy to use cheating means, deliberately making the trader's list lose money, or even deliberately targeted. This is a necessary means of self-protection. If you want to stop the loss, the user can temporarily manually handle, there is no need to bring a stop loss price for every order.
    3. It is the accumulated floating loss of the position; To make an image analogy, it is as if you spend a large amount of money, such as 1 million, to buy a house, and then rent it out, charging a monthly rent of 3 thousand or 5 thousand, in addition to holding this property, you need to pay 1% real estate tax every year. By analogy, the accumulated floating loss of the position is equivalent to the 1 million you put into the house, if the floating loss exceeds 1 million, you will explode the position and lose all. The fluctuating profits earned every day and every month are equivalent to collecting rent, and the overnight storage fees are equivalent to property taxes.

    Here is today's transaction record


    SimpleMeLike likes this.
  2. maxinger


    Readers here were not born yesterday.
    When they see a 100% win rate, they run away from it.

    Traders aim to earn tons of money at the expense of a 100% win rate.

    But you are different.
    You aim for a 100% win rate at the expense of earning tons of $$$$$.
    You are a perfectionist.

    A Trader cannot be a perfectionist.

    A perfectionist cannot be a trader.
    A perfectionist can be an archer.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2024
    fan27 and murray t turtle like this.
  3. MarkBrown


    your assumption is all wrong if you think for one minute that a 1 million dollar house is a increasing value asset.

    taxes are far more than 1% and over the years the taxes paid will be as much as the house cost and what about insurance? maintenance and upkeep will also exceed the original cost of the house over time. the renters will destroy your property and leave it worthless not to mention lawsuits you maybe subjected to and the fees to defend action against you. now the bad news the currency globally is worth less and less because of inflation so your money will wind up worth a fraction of what it was worth in the past.

    but thanks for bringing your method here to share with us.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2024
    Hardison, murray t turtle and upup_EA like this.
  4. upup_EA


    And I need to add that I am automated trading, the entire 99 trading days, 10,005 trades, win rate
    100% of the trading process is done automatically through tools, so lying on the way to make money, or indeed incomprehensible to primitive humans.

  5. upup_EA


    The details are here
  6. Good Morning upup_EA,

    Good work buddy.

    How are you winning every day like this? Please share.
    upup_EA likes this.
  7. 99 days and 10,005 trades with 100% win rate.

    Please rookie.

    Talk to us when you’re at 300 days and 30k trades with 100% win rate.
    upup_EA likes this.
  8. maxinger


    OK. OK. OK.
    Finally, I get your point.
    You actually have the holy grail.
    Praise to God. Hallelujah.
    Praise to God. Hallelujah.
    Your system is actually worth a trillion dollars.

    Do not disclose it to anyone else, especially in the forum.
    You might be traced and then you might get assassinated.

    Do not try to sell it even for a million dollars.
    Because you can use it to earn a billion dollars.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2024
  9. upup_EA


    Yes, more than 20 years of trading experience written EA tools, a few days to set the parameters, EA tools will help you to complete the order 24 hours a day. The details are in a brochure that you can download and read. If you download more than 100 downloads, you may consider charging.
  10. upup_EA


    The brave friend has enjoyed the world, while the conservative friend is still solving the milk bread. Welcome friends and spend a few hours trying new things.
    #10     Jun 15, 2024