Since this has been done before by none other than that piece of shit Ronnie Rayguns, I don't mind telling team Kamala how to get this done. All they have to do is change the date on the immigration reform act that aforementioned POS got through in 1986. That date was 1982, any illegal here prior to that date with no criminal record got amnesty. Of course, there was the promise of increased border security to go along with that. Yada, yada and done. It was win/win for republicans and democrats. Repubs got their slave labor, dems got the voting block, and the beat went on. Here we are today with tens of millions waiting for the next amnesty plan. Nothing has changed really. Republicans still love slave labor; democrats love votes wherever they can get them. All team Kamala has to do is present the old plan with a new date, say 2020 or close to that and of course promise increased border security, yada, yada. Viola, everyone gets what they want again. And here's the secret sauce to pin the republicans against the wall. When presenting the plan simply ask the question republicans love to ask. What would Regan do? Well hell, he already did it, we're just expanding on it says the smiling Kamala. You're welcome lefties. Don't say I never gave you anything. Oh, and fuck Regan. That fuck set on the path to ruination in so many ways I'm not certain that there's enough time in the day to go over it all.