How does this order ticket even make sense???

Discussion in 'Options' started by wxytrader, Aug 22, 2024.

  1. (IBKR Desktop)
    The price that matters is the idea what the 3.9 bid, 5.0 ask has to do with...


    On the order ticket there is no mention of the -0.42 price of the butterfly, and the qty and bid/ask make no sense.


    How any developer can look at this and go, "yep, that looks good", is beyond me...

    (TD bank active trader/TOS)
    This is what an order ticket should look like:

  2. cesfx


    That -0.42 is price change... Innit?

    Edit: I see what you mean, I have a 46 cent mid on ibkr mobile app

    poopy likes this.

    • 5.0 if you are buying (and you want the position to be filled).
    • 3.9 if you are selling (and you want the position to be filled).
    • Enter something in between if a fill isn't important.
  3. AKJ


    Is this a serious question? The -0.42 is today's change in MARA, the underlying. 3.9x5.0 is the bid/offer on your 10-lot fly, because for some reason, you chose to set up your structure as buying 1-lot of a 10x20x10 fly, instead of buying 10-lots of a 1x2x1 fly, like most people would do. If you set it up as a 1x2x1 fly, the bid/offer would be 0.39x0.50
    rb7, zghorner, poopy and 1 other person like this.
  4. So its even worse coincidence it just happened to be the same as the bid price. Are you the developer or something??? Its a 10/20/10 butterfly created using their own strategy builder.

    Why would I want to buy 10 lots of 1/2/1 flies? So if I do 100 I have to do 100 lots of 1/2/1 instead of just 100/200/100? That's idiotic. It's a 10/20/10 with a limit price of 0.42 just like on the TOS order ticket.

    Why should the lots fing matter anyway? Just put .39x.50 as the price...I don't need them to x10x100 it for me, as it is obvious in the premium. No matter how you look at it, its an ambiguous mess...TOS does it right.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2024
  5. Either way is acceptable but the most common is the basic structure 1/2/1 * how many flies you want - 10, 100 or whatever.
    Similar to shares basic amount is one share but you go to market to buy 100 of those 1 shares.

    I think you are getting lost in the weeds here, go back and read what poopy has said to you in your fly thread. You have to be able to predict something to make money on flies either predicting a drop in vol or a price target at the body. Why trade X no. of flies when a single straddle will have a similar payoff under 1.5 sigmas.
  6. Yeah but this is just about an order ticket that makes no sense and over complicates things. Think or swim is the most popular trading platform out there especially for option strategies so follow their lead.

    Yes pick a target at the body or as D did after poaching my TA :) where he traded for the credit on puts instead.

    The straddle is too expensive to make money without at least a 2sd move ..strangles are even worse because of theta decay.

    D had the right for the credit not the debit.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2024
  7. Short not long the straddle
    wxytrader likes this.
  8. AKJ


    No, I just stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
    Overnight likes this.
  9. Overnight


    You Holiday Inn Express clients are important for world stability, man.

    #10     Aug 24, 2024