%% YOU mean blow up accounts or lose your CD paper, probably the former.?? Ground down one brokerage single stock account to zero, quick learner,[repenter], way too much ignorance in my case. Usually leverage + ignorance blows one up LOL
still on first account, started in June 2019. Would have blown up several times if I had started with a small account. Major regret not doing so. edit: just noticed this was forex...I've never traded forex never plan to.
never did count them but has to be well over 50. i have small accounts all over testing automation and mostly it's failed. some have been spectacular!
I think you mean "How many times did you blow your trading account?" In my case, I don't dare to count. But honestly, your 3 times is very very little. CHEERS! ______________________
%% Congrats;\ you could learn even more by blowing up 50 + 200 accounts Wouldn't be wisdom\ but you could also get much more knowledge that way. IF you bought a trade/investment book with each blown up\ 200 accounts, could be in slightly better shape. NOT a prediction LOL Dont try this @ home..........