IB vs TastyTrade

Discussion in 'Options' started by Drawdown Addict, Aug 27, 2024.

  1. Below is a screenshot that I took from my desktop, comparing IB and TastyTrade applications.

    IB left - TT right

    As you can see there is a great discrepancy in prices.
    Considering that I was about to sell the 562 strike I would get from TastyTrade about the double in premium on that trade. Also deltas are way off.

    Time of the test is 17:28:53(CET) which would translate to 10:28:53 (CT - Chicago)

    Could anyone confirm those prices?
    What are your thoughts?
  2. I do not have either TT or IBD, so . Just a guess; but the precise time each vendor updates their prices will not be identical. Just a thought, assuming you do not have delayed quotes on one vs the other, and your latency of both are identical enough, IFF the discrepancy is due to slight difference in vendor sample time (of the data), you should not see a significant difference assuming your trade timing can afford the additional latency. (IF this is the case, you may be able to plot high resolution (1-sec?) on both to see which is leading the other) <-- Just guessing, so take with grain of salt. -- update: That is prior to normal market open, so not sure the option data would be that useful! -- Not clear how reliable those prices would be from any vendor before market opens for normal trading, however! -- TOS shows different prices than both of those for 1-min chart at that time.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2024
    Drawdown Addict likes this.
  3. Hi, thanks for having a look.

    I have real-time quotes on both brokers, IB asks for a subscription and TastyTrade delivers real-time quotes once the account is funded. So in theory I am sorted on both.
  4. Yes, you got to look at the order ticket if it's after open because the chain prices can be lagging... Or wait? Is this an arbitrage opportunity???

    Are you sure they're both the same expiry?
  5. AKJ


    Based on your timestamp, IB is live, TT is delayed.
    Drawdown Addict likes this.
  6. Hi, thank you for the confirmation, at least IB matches your view as well. That is something to work on.
    I'll look into it.