Respect and thank you, Dan and TradeZero Team…

Discussion in 'Trading' started by BaiLong, Jul 23, 2024.

  1. BaiLong


    Hey all!

    Last friday, like all customers of TradeZero, I received an email of apology from Dan Pipitone regarding an outage of service of the TradeZero platform on the previous day. More than apologizing, Dan/TZ is offering customers options execution commissions (excluding 3rd party regulatory fees) and providing a total credit locate July 22nd and August 2nd.
    In my four years as a customer of TZ, I have never seen such a move so I want to tell Dan and the TZ team, respect and thank you!!!!

    More than anything, this move gives us hope as customers. If you know a thing or two about business then you know that hope is what gets customers in and keeps them in. Growing hope in people requires to show them care. With this move, I see that we, customers, count for TZ and it makes me happy to be with them. Not everything is perfect but I have been seeing them making progress over the years so I need to say that I appreciate their efforts and show my gratitude.

    For a while, I have been contemplating the idea of moving to another broker because I pay TZ International way too much in options execution commissions . This move gives me hope and the will to stay a little longer. I am looking for a more competitive pricing based on monthly volume or the possibility to negotiate options commissions like Lightspeed offers… The lack of API to use another platform than TZ Pro and to execute trades and options orders is something some users like me also cruelly lack… So far, I have brought two friends to TZ but the elements aforementioned hold back my other friends from joining for now.

    In conclusion, thank you Dan and TZ Team!!! I respect those who have the courage to do things and constantly strive for excellence. This is so rare in this world. I wish you all the success you deserve!

    All the best!
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