Robinhood daytrader owes 800K to IRS on a profit of 45K

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by terr, Mar 30, 2021.

  1. terr


    Fintrader, murray t turtle and Onra like this.
  2. fan27


  3. terr


    I am pretty sure that can't declare it post factum. Maybe I am wrong.
    guru likes this.
  4. guru


    It’s too late, you can’t claim it for past years.
    fan27 likes this.
  5. newwurldmn


    Unless he traded 1256 contracts, he’s hosed. He has 800k of losses he can take 3k at a time.
  6. terr


    Would be interesting if the IRS didn't budge and this was taken to court...

    The unfairness of trying to get 800K in taxes out of someone who earned 45K is so blatant that maybe the court would set some kind of precedent invalidating the wash rule, within certain limits.
    Daal, VPhantom, athlonmank8 and 2 others like this.
  7. newwurldmn


    this isn’t the first time this has happened.

    and ignorance isn’t an excuse
  8. SteveM


  9. How would the 1256 contracts help him? There's no wash sale on only those contracts. Unless im wrong here. Im assuming he was only trading stocks.
  10. gkishot


    There is something wrong with this article. According to this article a day trader can never deduct a loss if he/she trades the same stock all the time. If this is the case there should be much more people suffering from the wash sales rule than just one guy.
    #10     Mar 31, 2021