Bitcoin is fine, crypto is fine, the idea is fine. Satoshi is great. But the problem lies in all the fraud and scams that surround it. The entire industry is basically a scam. Bitcoin doesn't do anything, it doesn't produce anything. But it wastes a lot of electricity and pollutes the environment (only to solve arbitrary equations). It's slow and expensive to transact with, it's heavily centralized,... If the price didn't go up, nobody would give a single fuck about it. And price goes up due to pump&dumpers, as well as bots and fake dollars that are used to artificially inflate the price of the market (this has always been the case. Initially with fake bots on Mt.Gox, now with fake Tethers) Prices going up attract a bunch of idiots betting on non-sense, and the idiots are in abundance. As price goes up it becomes a self-reinforcing cycle and belief gets stronger and stronger fooling more and more people. Basically the dunning-kruger effect; the idiots believe they are geniuses... and then the scheme collapses
Would you care to try again? Now as the title goes, I don't think Satoshi knew what kind of genie he is letting out of the bottle.