Unless Something Changes, 4 Years From Now We Will Be 51 Trillion Dollars In Debt We could have lived within our means and left America in tremendous shape for the generations that follow us. But that is not what we did. Instead, we have saddled our children and grandchildren with the greatest mountain of debt in the history of the world. What we have done to future generations of Americans is beyond criminal. One day, if they get the chance, they will look back and curse this generation for what we have done to them. We spent tens of trillions of dollars that belonged to them, and we have stuck them with the bill for our wild excesses. We have taken the greatest economic machine that humanity has ever seen and we have driven it straight off a cliff. And yet we are so proud of ourselves. We think that we are so special and that we have all the answers. Of course the truth is that we should be deeply ashamed of ourselves. Over and over again we kept sending the same clowns back to Washington D.C. and they just kept on spending our money like they were playing a really twisted game of Monopoly. So now we are going to pay the price. All of us.
Vivek and Musk have a solution if Trump backs them up. Politicians work for predators not the public good. Our votes are manufactured, gov't abandoned the public. Trump should do what Argentina is doing.
Trumps and Republicans top priority when they take office will be tax cuts.Reagan,tax cuts.Bush,tax cuts.Trump,tax cuts. The deficit was lower when Obama and Clinton left office than when they took office,Clinton even left a budget surplus.The deficit was higher when Reagan,Bush and Trump left office than it was when they took office. The deficit was hundreds of billions when Clinton took office,a surplus when he left.Bush inherited a surplus when he took office,the deficit was 1.4 trillion when he left.The deficit was 1.4 trillion when Obama took office,685 billion when he left.The deficit was 585 billion when Trump took office,2.7 trillion when he left.Republicans complain about debt but re elected Trump after he increased the deficit by 2 trillion dollars the first time he was in office.Republican voters have no standing to complain about debt.
Unless that solution includes increasing taxes and cutting military spending they don't have a solution.
Republican voters know Republicans will massively increase the debt,but White Supremacy is far more important to you/them.
Biden gave a lot of that money to the Cities. They have been using it to balance their budgets for the last 4 years Now they are out of that money
Mr Obamas last budget.685 billion deficit.Deficit 3.5 % of GDP Trumps last budget.2.7 trillion deficit.Deficit 12.4 % of GDP So is re electing the guy who increased the deficit 2 trillion dollars and from 3.5 % of GDP to 12.4% of GDP the changes we need Sir?
Clinton's last budget.236 billion dollar surplus. Mr Bush's last budget.1.4 trillion dollar deficit,after taking office with a 236 billion dollar surplus.
It is unbelievable that you and millions like you who 2 months voted ago for a guy who increased the deficit 2 trillion dollars (most ever) and the deficit as a % of GDP from 3.5% to over 12 % in just 1 term are now arguing how bad the debt is Sir,truly unbelievable.You just voted for a guy who increased the deficit more than any other President,and did so in just 1 term, let that sink in Sir.