VSA. Volume Spread Analysis

Discussion in 'Technical Analysis' started by Drawdown Addict, Jul 22, 2024.

  1. Some say that is the only way to understand when Market Makers are trying to sell you overpriced tickers.

    Considering the spread as the difference between today's open and close, if that is abnormal and it is not backed up by a significant volume, MMs are trying something dodgy with their prices.

    There are several books on the subject, as it happens with every TA magic technique.

    What do you think? Do you use it in your market analysis?
  2. SunTrader


    Question relates to Stonks I guess? Futs don't have MM's.

    But I'm amazed at how many that trade equities concerned themselves with so many other side issues as if they search for "reasons" why they are not profitable.
  3. tiddlywinks


    There are some old but good VSA threads at traderslaboratory.


    fwiw, bar open isn't used in many vsa adaptations.
  4. Thank you, it is impressive that you actually replied to the topic on this forum, and not pointed a way to trigger an argument straight away.

    SunTrader please learn from this user, life will be better for you from now on.
  5. SunTrader


  6. SunTrader


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