wtf is going on with IBKR

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by darwin666, Jan 22, 2025.

  1. so i use it for 20 years.. my buddy wants to manage my account
    so we try to set up non professional advisor account.
    clusterfuck it is .

    if the child account accidently has crypto in it . and advisor account doesnt. then you cant link it.

    ok so i manage to remove crypto... it finally gets submitted.. its been 10 days and my advisor got a message to approve and he approved but he cant see the account
    other account if his. - he removed crypto and still gets message

    my spouse account - there is NO Fucking crypto but it says... due to crypto u cant link.

    try calling them... 40 min wait.. aargh.... anyone know a easier broker who allows the same
    Onra and EdgeHunter like this.
  2. 1000% Agree... and I haven't gone through anything of what you have been through...

    IBKR makes so much money (millions++ in fees) from large Institutional trade clients that it, over the last 20 years, does not CARE about small tech details.

    Especially ones concerning the retail trader regardless of their size.

    It reminds me of the decline of the American Empire... mirror image. I have stated many times that the IBKR: CIO and CTO and COO should be fired and removed and truly competent ones should be hired and allowed to do their job.

    IBKR needs millions in tech updates...

    I ONLY call them for help AFTER hours. I think you can also set up a call back too but I am not sure if that is still an option.

    Good Luck... :(
  3. LOL nice comment :"
    IBKR needs millions in tech updates" - a thorough overall of each workflow

    to be fair.. i was using fidelity thick client. and it was some buggy. when i did one half of an iron condor.. so i did the bear call side. and blocked 10K and then i did the bull put side. which any 5th grader knows.. u only have to block margin 1 side.. since u cant loose both side.. fucking crap said. no. we need another 10 K for the bul put side... aargh!.

    fidelity - i dunno why they so behind

    look at TOS... its the gold standard!
    metfa, Max E. and EdgeHunter like this.
  4. Max E.

    Max E.

    Had lots of issues with them with a position transfer too, I transferred in a QQQ position and they were showing it for me as an average price of 3.22 per share I was like how would that even be possible? Called them 6 times and every time the person would tell me they were handing it off to someone more senior then they would hang up and nothing gets done....... brutal customer service there now
    EdgeHunter likes this.
  5. ZBZB


    I think you can change the average price your self. Right click on the line in TWS account window.
    Max E. likes this.
  6. Max E.

    Max E.

    Thanks yeah I did that, but then it was showing up in my blotter as the old price finally got through to someone who figured it out today
  7. metfa


    Only 40 minutes? You must be a premium client!
  8. metfa . u crack me up... 10 years ago.. it was 2 min.. but I got the number of the advisor support team in CT. and pick up in 2 min. but only to answer advisor questions and they guy said . u r the client.. call the general number but i got some info out of him. but he was overworked. etc...
    metfa likes this.
  9. metfa


    It sure doesn't seem to hurt their stock price. Maybe they should place a big order with Benioff and get some of that AI-assist he's always spouting off about. Peterfly is so cheap though, he'll probably sign up with Deepsink.