Has Ukraine's Zelensky, the US, EU, the West gratulated Azerbaijan for liberating its territory from the enemy and restoring order? What's the difference between Azerbaijan and Ukraine?... Or is the West applying some double-standards?... 2020 when Zelensky was visiting Azerbaijan: https://en.azvision.az/news/125010/...tulatory-letter-to-azerbaijani-president.html
If you read the news you would have seen the West applauded the restoration of the Nagorno-Karabakh region into Azerbaijan -- especially since they kicked the Russian "peacekeepers" in the nuts by doing it. Note that Russia failed to step up and defend against the takeover of the region. However it should be recognized that the West is mainly looking at their own economic self-interests -- as they look to engage in natural gas and resources industry -- in this situation as they applaud and engage the Azerbaijan government while urging that all rights and freedoms” and safeguards for ethnic minorities be respected in the Nagorno-Karabakh region.
Another blow to the Russian navy... by a landlocked nation. Putin suffers another blow as top nuke submarine commander shot dead The commander was appointed to the role of second-in-command of a Russian contingent in Azerbaijan. https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1815480/russia-submarine-commander-Ivan-Kovgan-dead
In-depth... Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: How Azerbaijan forced Armenia to back down The Armenian separatist forces in Nagorno-Karabakh on Wednesday agreed to lay down their weapons following Azerbaijan's lightning offensive in the Armenian-majority enclave. Between Moscow's weakening position in the Caucasus and the West's dependence on hydrocarbons, Azerbaijan has taken advantage of a favourable international context to complete a decades-long mission to control the disputed region. https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pa...abakh-how-azerbaijan-got-armenia-to-back-down
The truth is: Russia was tired of the Armenians and wanted to get rid of that problem there. The Armenian govt had invited the US military for drills instead of the Russian military, this was enough for Russia... Now Russia has 1 problem less in its backyard... A win-win-win situation for Azerbaijan, Russia and the whole Earth, except the Armenian natural born liars...