Ketovore, anyone?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Magna, May 1, 2024.

  1. Magna

    Magna Administrator

    Although these diets are loosely defined, roughly speaking the keto diet is low carbs and plant based. The carnivore diet is also low carbs, but high fat and (mostly) beef based. The ketovore diet fits somewhere in between being lowish carbs along with high fat and mixed animal based. So it's kinda carnivore lite.

    I've been on the ketovore diet for the past year. Basically it comes down to eliminating the majority of carbohydrates, avoiding vegetable oils, abstaining from overly processed foods, minimizing sugar, and mostly eating meat, bacon, and eggs. True carnivores stick with seafood and ruminant animals (ie, cattle, sheep, deer, goats, bison, etc.) which chew their cud and have multi-chambered stomachs. As opposed to chickens, pigs, horses, dogs, cats, etc. which have single stomachs like humans. I eat a mix of meat including beef, pork, and chicken.

    Anyway, I was in pretty good shape to begin with, and did not embark on this to lose weight but to improve overall health and make sure I stay off Dr. Ovadia's proverbial operating table. Within a few months I had dropped over 20 lbs, lost most of my visceral (ie, belly) fat, slept better, reduced inflammation, and my blood test results drastically improved (ie, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, A1c).

    I combine it with intermittent fasting which is simply eating all meals on a 8/16 schedule which means only eat between, say, 10a-6p (8 hrs) and don't eat ANYTHING from 6p-10a (16 hrs). That allows the body time to more fully process the food, recover and renew itself. The real hardcore intermittent fasters do 6/18 instead, generally eating only between 12p-6p.

    Not saying it's for everybody, but I've found the ketovore diet a significant improvement over the standard "healthy" diet which we've been force-fed (pun intended) since birth. If you do a YouTube search of carnivore (or ketovore) you'll get a huge number of hits, and sometimes it's tough to separate the wheat from the chaff. However, you can often find answers to questions like "what about roughage?" and "how can eating high fat diet cause you to lose weight?" and "is salt dangerous?" and "does red meat clog up your system?" etc. etc.
    BKR88 and Baron like this.
  2. poopy


    Don't eat too much protein at one time due to gluconeogenesis. Big failure of a lot of keto diets is assuming that high protein is good for weight loss.
  3. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    The fact that your cholesterol and triglycerides improved while eating a relatively high-fat diet is amazing. Combining that diet with intermittent fasting is brilliant. What a way to lose weight without making yourself miserable.
    Magna likes this.
  4. maxinger


    My simple eating plan

    homemade probiotic food yogurt, natto bean, kimchi/sauerkraut
    homemade braised meat (with spices like ginger, aniseed, garlic, pepper ....)
    wholemeal flour/rice/chia seed
    everyday unless I am not at home

    don't eat toxic food / ultra-processed food like
    confectionery / cookies / cakes / pastry
    ready-made food / fast food
    food with vegetable oil / margarine / hydrogenated food
    unless I am starving

    don't drink life-shortening
    sugary drink / soda
    fruit juice from the factory
    even if I am dying from thirst.

    There are also other healthy and not-so-healthy foods which I eat.
    But I don't really bother about the amount I eat.

    We should do our own Food Quality Pareto Analysis of the food we eat.
    And avoid eating the top few most toxic foods.
    Last edited: May 2, 2024
  5. BKR88


  6. ph1l


    Maybe, but " lowering LDL cholesterol reduces our risk of death overall and from heart attacks and strokes, regardless of age" according to for your,disease,heart attack andstroke.
    Frederick Foresight likes this.
  7. poopy


    My total c has been creeping up (age, gear?) over the years but my lipids are good.
  8. Magna

    Magna Administrator

    The heart-surgeon Dr. Ovadia (besides his book on Amazon that I linked to, he is frequently interviewed on YouTube) lists a simple 5-condition test to determine your overall metabolic health. He says only 12% of the people in the US pass all 5. And if 3+ are abnormal then you have what is called Metabolic Syndrome.

    1. waist circumference < 40"
    2. blood pressure < 130/85
    3. fasting blood glucose < 100
    4. HDL cholesterol > 40
    5. fasting triglycerides < 150

    For #1 use a flexible tailor's tape and go right on top of your belly-button which is the largest measurement ─ don't cheat by checking nearby to get a smaller number. An alternate, and slightly better indicator, is to measure your waist ÷ height and get the W/H ratio ─ you want it to be ≤ .53. If you go that route be sure to get an accurate current measurement of your height, not something you remember from your high school days. Finally, to be useful in this determination #4 and #5 are not valid if you are taking statins.