Nice pictures. Have you "officially" come out of the closet yet? There is nothing wrong with being gay, and don't let anyone tell you different. I once worked with a gay guy - there is nothing wrong with being who you are!
How've you been Mr. Market..??? The board hasn;t been the same without you!!! Optional and I have had nothing to do with out you and Alice to harass!! Welcome back and try to stay for longer this time So what do you like today??
Successful traders don't need to broadcast it. Looks more like you're soliciting members for your Yahoo group. And 15 closed profitable trades in in 16+ months? LOL ... That's not even one profitable trade per month. Oh yeah, I won't even comment on the open trades that are in the hole ... some down 20+%.
mrmarket, I looked over your portfolio. How is it possible that you do not have EBAY? Like you, it is HUGE. Also, it is getting more huge by the day. My advice is sell the small girlie man stocks you have and put it all in EBAY. Real men are not diversified.
Jealous of a mediocre record? Hello??? Sorry, but I trade full time and 15 winners in 16+ months along with a handful of deeply underwater trades .. errrr, investments isn't exactly anything to brag about.
You are puny and insignificant compared to Mr. Market......If your not careful he will take your woman too
Theres no way he is gay(not that there is anything wrong with that), I gay man would never go out of the house with all of that body hair.
The only thing I'd admit to is not being as bad a trader as Mr. Market. Or as scared a trader ... geez, what's he put on? 25 trades in the past year and a half? Now that's "insignificant"! I don't need to brag about my results but I've been doing this full time for over 7 years.