1969/$200 000 - 1980/$381M - Soros

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by Nobert, Dec 29, 2021.

  1. Nobert


  2. Millionaire


    Does the video mention his Nazi collaboration and insider trading conviction?
  3. Nobert


    Wish i knew. Literally.

    Insider trading.

    Nazi colab, those were the days - you either do, or die. Not always, but wouldn't be surprised if that was his case. Who know tho.
  4. SunTrader


    He was born in 1930 which means from 1940-1945 he was between the ages 10 and 15.

    WhenTF could he have collaborated? :rolleyes:

    And how can you verify it? On Alt-rightwingydotcom.
    piezoe, NumberZ, longandshort and 2 others like this.
  5. otctrade


    So sad that people believe these retarded theories. Too many clueless people on the Internet nowadays. I am of course talking about the Nazi collab stories. It's completely possible he traded on insider information in the past.
    longandshort and comagnum like this.
  6. SunTrader


    People believe what they want to believe - reality be damned.
    MACD likes this.
  7. Millionaire


    Its not a retarted theory, Soros himself admits it in this video,
    When asked if went out and confiscated property from jews, he says yes.
    So he admits to taking part in property confiscation raids (which were very often extremely violent), and he admits to having no problems being there, even says it was 'funny' like the markets, because if he didn't do it someone else would have.

    Last edited: Dec 29, 2021
  8. Nobert


    Hes honest and rational about it. Doesn't make him a bad person.

    Given the fact that he was 14 at that time and crazy things were happening.

    What surprised me tho, and this is so out of the topic, yet i found out recently, that when it comes to Jewish community, in 60-ies, US, at Miami beach, there was signs :

    ,,Jews, dogs and colored are not allowed''

    You can find devil everywhere. Even at the times of peace.

    longandshort and comagnum like this.
  9. Millionaire


    But the so called 'conspiracy theory' is not wrong. He is on video admiting to collaborating with the Nazis when he was very young. Even if it was only in a minor way.

    His worshipers on the left are desperate to cover this up. As they tried to do on this thread. See all the posts above. They don't want the world to know about it.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2021
    tomas262 and taojaxx like this.
  10. Millionaire


    It is not just possible, he has a criminal conviction in France from 2002 for insider trading. Google it. I don't make claims about people without evidence.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2021
    #10     Dec 29, 2021