A list of all scam unregulated 3rd party educational vendors

Discussion in 'Educational Resources' started by emg, Dec 15, 2010.

  1. bone


    Actually, the NFA referred the case to the CFTC after the NFA did all the ground work investigation. My point being, the NFA is also an excellent resource for justice - and the NFA might be more aggressive and responsive than the CFTC. The NFA is very proactive with respect to following up on complaints.
    #861     Jun 15, 2012
  2. Team Trading, previously Velez Capital Management and Element Trading would all be in the top list of scams.

    Watching Dateline tonight on NBC, about Tim Blair aka Tim Dog and his scams. Like most scams/fraudsters, lots of similar traits like what happened above.


    Funny, the response by slick and smooth talking Tim sounds almost word for word like those previously from "Truthshallsetyoufree" (one of the TT/VCM partner's users name)
    See the 5/11/12 quote for the similar defense: http://www.elitetrader.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&postid=3523477#post3523477
    #862     Jun 16, 2012
  3. emg


    Updated List

    Rockwell trading
    Mike Baghdady of Training Traders
    bill duryea of ioamt.com
    Rhythm of the Markets
    Options Magic
    TradQuest Systems
    Dave Wright "Wave Rider/Trend Catcher"
    Bullseyetraders (Franz Shoar)
    ShadowTraders (not the TDAmeritrade)
    School of Trade SOT
    ktrader.com Oliver Velez and Greg Capra, founders of Pristine.com and Mastertrader.com,iFundTrader.com
    Woodies CCI Club
    Larry Levin Secrets of Traders
    the Pro Trading LLC Richard Regan
    robwessels.com elitetraders.nl
    rs of houston
    bootcamp.renegadetrader.com mark deaton
    learn-to-trade-and-invest.com, The Fractal Futures Trader
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2019
    #863     Jul 3, 2012
  4. Frits


    #864     Jul 10, 2012
  5. Any news or feedback on Chuck Hughes in this regard?

    #865     Jul 10, 2012
  6. So... are you actually gathering facts these are scams first or is it "your opinion"?

    I think you need to stick to factually proven scams instead of "well I think this one is a scam as well."

    Which is it?
    #866     Jul 10, 2012
  7. Pekelo


    In emg's deffense, it is very hard to prove sometimes outright scam. But in this business (PFG anyone?) you are a scammer until proven innocent. If it walks like a duck...
    #867     Jul 10, 2012
  8. So is there a list of vendors that are not scams?

    Or do we assume guilty until proven innocent? :D

    How about this. Any vendor who does not trade live or at least be completely transparent with their own entries and exits should be considered a fraud. It's easy enough to prove you are the real thing, so anyone who won't provide proof well I guess we can guess the reason why!
    #868     Jul 10, 2012
  9. usrx201


    Bunch of free webinars this coming week. Your favorite expose is back too, Fritz. It can be fun to sit in on these. Like sitting in on a DTI free info-webinar.

    Ninjatrader FEATURED PARTNER EVENTS for the week of 7/30/2012

    Introducing Event Reminders

    Wednesday 8/1/2012
    EOTPRO 10:30 AM EDT learn more | attend | reminder
    Bill Dennis - EOTPRO Fully Automated Futures Systems

    Felton Trading 4:15 PM EDT learn more | attend | reminder
    Roger Felton - Nix Market Noise without Filters

    Thursday 8/2/2012
    Emini Sniper 4:15 PM EDT learn more | attend | reminder
    Rob Graham - The latest EminiSniper Indicators and Trading Strategies

    Friday 8/3/2012
    Rockwell Trading 4:15 PM EDT learn more | attend | reminder
    Markus Heitkoetter - A Powerful Day Trading Strategy

    Saturday 8/4/2012
    Currensys 11:00 AM EDT learn more | attend | reminder
    John Correnti - Discover a Complete Trading System for Equity, Option Futures and Forex Markets


    And..... Mark Deaton is back once again with his latest regurgitation , "ESP" (even more prolific than "Doc" BarryBurns ) :

    ESP 1 The Unsustainable Squeeze...
    < >,

    This E.S.P 1 trading system is so cool, another trader told me yesterday, because it is closely related to Newton's 3rd physical law of motion, which works 100% of the time.
    I hadn't thought about it, but he's dead-on right.
    That law states: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction (except in the case of E.S.P 1 the reaction is typically much more than equal!)
    Think of it this way.When you compress a spring (action) it wants to spring back out (reaction) 100% of the time.
    That squeezing pressure is unsustainable.
    It's the same with stocks, futures, and forex. When they compress and tighten into a squeeze it's unsustainable. They will expand out of it - sometimes with explosive momentum - 100% of the time.
    What E.S.P. 1 does so well is easily identify these unsustainable compression squeezes so that you can get into the trade before it expands into a big momentum move.
    The attached chart explains the simple basics of E.S.P 1, and it shows two back-to-back crude oil futures (CL) trades we took on the 5 minute chart.
    Trade 1 offered up to $350 per contract. Trade 2 offered up to $500 per contract.
    I've got many more great E.S.P 1 setups to share that we traded successfully last week.
    And wait till you see what I've got to show you about E.S.P. 2: Institutional Slingshot. It's unbelievable!

    Keep your eye on the inbox.

    Mark Deaton
    ------ today ----

    I Just Finished the 30 Page Manual - WOW!
    < >,
    I just wanted to write and let you know that after going through
    Ed Mendus's 30 page manual on ESP part 1 - I'm pretty much AMAZED!
    Amazed and almost shocked at how I have been trading squeeze's and
    using Bollinger bands for years and I never thought of this.
    I guess it's because its so simple maybe, I don't know but I'm
    absolutely blown away by how insanely accurate this part 1 is.
    I know Ed has prepared lots of examples for us and I've seen many
    of his trades over the last two weeks, but he kept telling me....


    and so last night I did and all I can say is WOW!
    SO EASY YET SO BRILLIANT - You literally follow 3 steps, and
    then LITERALLY look for a GREEN or RED light.
    I understand why it was so private and why "Duke" Howard never
    shared it with Ed.
    You'll understand in a matter of days why this set-up is so powerful.
    Good night! - Look for another email from me tomorrow with more of Ed's
    trade examples.



    PS -

    PS - You don't even have to believe me, I know what Ed has prepared for you over The next week will make you a believer :)

    PSS - Everyone keeps asking me for settings and I want to be clear right now that your Bollinger Band and Keltner channel settings are only 20% of this - If it was that easy I wouldn't even be talking to you. If I gave you the settings you would know enough to be dangerous!
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    #869     Aug 1, 2012
  10. Can you provide evidence of why james16 group is on there? Is it on a previous post in here? A search came up with zilch.

    I am only interested as his thread on ff got me into TA, thats as far as i went though with his specific methods.

    Just interested to see what backed up whoever's decision it was to add them. I have read the 'j16 is not credible' thread written by a loony, but does not provide any factual evidence that he is scamming.

    #870     Aug 9, 2012