Amazing Real Estate Valuation Site

Discussion in 'Economics' started by The Kin, Feb 8, 2006.

  1. Most impressive
  2. awesome$$$

    I have been looking for a site like this for 5 years now...

    Good Karma to you!
  3. Joe


  4. yeah, those guys has an article on them in the WSJ today. sites been down all day. can't wait to check it out!

  5. Crap now I cannot bullshit about my house lol. Shows an aerial photo of my building and specific size and bedrooms..... Big Brother is all over me!

    It only shows tax assessed value but it is a good starting point!
  6. nkhoi


    combine this with you got a pretty detail map.
  7. The valuation isn't even close to correct...the square feet of off by almost 700 on my house alone. It doesn't even reflect the house across the street that sold for just overa mil(6 mos ago), when I look at my neighborhood.

    Out of date, incorrect...but a good start.
  8. This is cool, I checked my value and it was close to where I believe it would be if I were to sell, hmm why use an appraiser now. Just kidding.
    #10     Feb 8, 2006