A previous post asked about REDI and the Watcher. SLK/Goldman has a product called REDIExpress that is based on the Watcher type platform. All hot keys and keyboard driven for speed. It is new and I don't know if it is any good, but any firm that clears SLK can get it I am told.
Redi perhaps is a better platform that I had access to at Onsite. Don, perhaps, your comment that "there's more to it" is accurate. I lended my extensive insight into software development and causal relationships (problem identification, problem isolation, recommended solution and most importantly gap management from what was done/capable to what needed to be done) to the Spear designers, only to be rebuffed. Perhaps, there really was more to the equation. I do know that other installations, such as at Bright, swear by the platform. Gene W. has alway been an ardent supporter of the Redi platform, and I simply wish, I was in an environment that one could praise. Another part of the equation was that Onsite never was a Proprietary operation, nor did they offer other customary Proprietary benefits, such as Conversions, Bullets, Proprietary equity and haircut, instead of customer (10x1) margin. So the more I look at it, this glorified retail shop posing as a Proprietary operation cut corners on more than just the services to its traders, but played fast and cavalier with the LLC Partner's equity and their ability to trade. What a totally ....... operation. Thanks, Don, and Gene W. for having something positive to say about Redi.
Often times traders make evaluations based on their own experiences, and as you note, the overall environoment has quite an impact. Feel free to contact me if you would like to see the latest versions of Redi. BTW, don't feel "rebuffed" by the Redi designers, they are good, but are sometimes a bit "short" with their responses to ideas for change (they eventually do them, sometimes even better, but it may take a while).