Anybody Else Hate

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by Flashboy, Jun 18, 2003.

  1. I have very simple needs too and for this reason the downtimes and slow data are just that... annoying. But as we have discussed on other threads, the charting is second to none. Scalp ES with it... no way. They don't even have the right opening tick on the minute charts yet. But for other stuff it's fine.
    #11     Jun 18, 2003
  2. maxpi


    The charts are the best, nothing I've seen, and I have not seen them all, comes close. The feed is pretty bad and even when the servers are "working" you can hook up to the wrong one and get a lot of bad data. I've seen problems recently with intraday volume, if you get the wrong server you will see volumes on a 1 minute bar that are greater than the 5 minute bar!! Their daily data is not scrubbed but their intraday data is, so you will see bad highs and lows, maybe even opens and closes, on the daily data. Even their scrubbed intraday data probably will not give you the same opens and closes as a high end feed like Bloomberg.

    You just have to decide if you can use them for what you are doing. I need the depth of intraday data they provide so I check it before using it for backtesting. I would not even consider using them for trading in realtime, too many hassles trying to stay connected and to the right server, especially since there isn't much of a way to know you are on a right server except if it has been working for you recently. For realtime I'm going with Esignal and keeping others in mind as well. If I ever get out of "cheap mode" I might try one of the high end feeds, probably would never regret it, that's usually the way it is.

    #12     Jun 18, 2003
  3. Dang, it's that horrible?! If I complain about eSignal and TS, then Qcharts will just kill me huh? haha.

    Well, I'll see it for myself when they get around to assigning me a trial password.

    Anyhow, the only reason I want to use it is because there's this software that needs it as a datafeed. But if it's that horrible then the chances of getting it is nil!

    #13     Jun 18, 2003
  4. Well I hope it works better for you just seems like 2 or 3 times a day that you have to switch servers to get a good live feed..
    Hopefully it will work for your purposes..

    #14     Jun 18, 2003
  5. man another horrible qcharts day. switched servers 5 times already.
    if anybody from qcharts reads this you had better fix this. i have been a loyal user of qcharts for years but i have just about had my limit.
    seems like this all started when you went to the free trial thing. too many freeloaders?
    #15     Jun 20, 2003
  6. yes i hate too

    the best way to show them how much you hate them is to stop using their feed
    #16     Jun 20, 2003
  7. 168


    i just start to use j-trader with my q chart today,when q chart is slow down,the hot quote of the j-trader is still running fine,i think its good if you have both running when you are trading e-mini,when q chart is down or else,you can still trade or see the quote from j-trader.
    #17     Jun 20, 2003

  8. I quit them also. What really bugs me is how oblivious upper management is to the problem. NO communication or understanding of the problem whatsoever.
    #18     Jun 20, 2003
  9. 168


    anybody who use q chart has their reason,most likely is trying to save some money,at least $50 to $200 bucks,so what you get is what you paying for,if q chart is cheap and running perfect,then everybody will be using it.
    #19     Jun 20, 2003
  10. The daily QCharts slowdowns are annoying. I like QCharts but I would never try to trade off them without a confirming price feed, like IB. One problem they have is it is easy to see they are bogged down because of the delay window. Other services don't have this, so unlesss you are comparing data you wouldn't necessarily realize you were slow.

    I don't really understand why they tolerate these daily problems. How much could it cost to solve them? Perhaps they should look into dropping some of their marginal products and concentrating on what they do best. I can't imagine there is much profit in Live Charts. Also equity options are a huge hassle for data vendors and I doubt too many users are getting QCharts for options. This is a frustrating situation that could be solved by some management.
    #20     Jun 20, 2003