are my commisions any good??

Discussion in 'Trading' started by jmi0493, Aug 7, 2001.

  1. andrasnm,

    i think your post was totally inappropriate.. everyone who follows this board is aware that you have no respect for anyone who provides trading education or trading services.. but arent you providing a "free service" of sorts by constantly pushing your version of "consumer advocacy"? and if Gene charging for a service makes him a pimp, wouldnt you giving yours away make you a slut? you should consider your words more carefully.. although you do not see the value in having experienced professionals participate on this board, many of us do.. and we would appreciate it if you would find a more appropriate manner to express yourself..

    #21     Aug 11, 2001
  2. Turok



    Some of us trade equities because we like them, know them, and find trading them quite profitable.

    Insinuating that those of us who choose to profit from this "vice" are somehow inferior because you happen to like your "vice" better only weakens your valuable contributions to the forum.

    Since you know so much about "us", why don't you go on and explain this "college mentality" thing that 'is killing most of us'. I'd be intrigued to know what it is that is holding me back.

    #22     Aug 11, 2001
  3. Candletrader,

    Our successful traders have their own style.
    Some use 3 and 5 minute bar charts and follow the
    index's that they trade in. For example , if you
    trade XOM , you might also follow XOI(OIL
    Index) and of course the S & P futures.
    Other traders due Matched pairs or due risk arb
    and trade against the Long-Short position. You
    have to have a "method" in this choppy market. I
    did suggest to trade "lightly" this summer.

    Someone did mention that I'm against futures trading
    and that is not true. I was a market maker on the
    AMEX floor and I did trade SPY and hedge with S & P
    futures. If you trade financial futures, the markets
    are going to be "choppy" like the stock market , since
    trading the financial futures is like trading the whole
    market. The E-MINI S & P and QQQ are electronically traded
    and are great products.My firm is a stock trading L.L.C. and
    we don't offer them . I have no problem with traders
    trading mini's if that's what they are comfortable trading.

    Gene Weissman
    Lieber & Weissman Sec., L.L.C.
    #23     Aug 11, 2001
  4. qwiktrade,
    My sentiments exactly! You couldn't have said it better.
    #24     Aug 11, 2001
  5. I am sorry, I never said Gene was a "pimp". I would *never*
    sink this low. The problem - I must use strong analogy or
    colorful statments or some of you dolts would never catch
    on !!! Gene is here to promote his "stuff" - I know that
    you trade what you LIKE but a smarter person maybe trades
    what makes him money !!! (within legal limits)
    I meant no offense, but it's strange how violent some of
    you come up on Gene's defense !!! Get real, he is pushing
    his firm and I am posting about it !!! It's obvius, I care
    less than a rat's pimple what you guys think of me, but I thought company promotion is not PC - or is ??????
    P.S. EDAT is DEAD so get over it and stop whining !!!!
    #25     Aug 11, 2001
  6. Turok


    >I know that you trade what you LIKE but
    >a smarter person maybe trades what makes
    >him money !!!

    >P.S. EDAT is DEAD so get over it and stop
    >whining !!!!

    This is interesting...if I really should be a "smarter person" and trade something that makes me money and "EDAT is dead", explain to me please why my account keeps growing at a very nice rate?

    I eagerly await your answer. Enjoy your dilemma (though you probably don't recognize it).


    #26     Aug 11, 2001
  7. Turok,
    Lack of patience and general lack of thift are what I characterise a "college mentality" or of BAD breeding.
    Fast many players come and go !!! It never lasts !!!!
    EDAT was a period - like the tulip bubble where lot made
    money not because of any talent, simply for being at the
    right time at the right place. After a few hundred years
    it would be asinine for me to recruit tulip traders !!!!!

    If some can't quite see that or comprehend hence I lowered myself to use colorful and maybe tastless analogies (sorry Gene)
    #27     Aug 11, 2001
  8. Magna

    Magna Administrator


    some of you dolts would never catch on...It's obvius, I care less than a rat's pimple what you guys think of me

    More endearing comments from our protector and savior. It's only equitable for you to know that I, too, care less than a rat's pimple...about the drivel that continually springs forth from your keyboard ;)
    #28     Aug 11, 2001
  9. Turok


    >EDAT was a period - like the tulip bubble where
    >lot made money not because of any talent, simply
    >for being at the right time at the right place.
    >After a few hundred years it would be asinine
    >for me to recruit tulip traders !!!!!

    There is no question that during the "bubble" the EDAT trade was populated with money makers who had little talent for it. Asinine however, would be stating (like you are) that it isn't still a viable means of wealth accumulation when there are so many good traders proving you wrong.

    This isn't an attempt to defend Gene -- I don't know the man. It is simply an effort to point out that your broad statements of "my way is profitable and your way isn't" and your "I'm smarter than you are" insinuations are impossible for you to defend.

    Still waiting to hear why EDAT my account keeps growing (that pesky dilemma just won't go away).

    #29     Aug 11, 2001

  10. >...but it's strange how violent some of you come up on Gene's defense!

    Maybe it's because of the violent way that you express yourself?

    It is my understanding that you encountered failure in your trading career, but that doesn't mean it applies to everyone. It certainly does not apply to me.

    May you find more happiness in your angry, pissed off life.
    #30     Aug 11, 2001