Are trends just self fulfilling propecy?

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by mute9003, Jul 12, 2024.

  1. 2rosy


    paint the tape and spoof
    #21     Jul 12, 2024
    murray t turtle likes this.
  2. Coin Flip

    Coin Flip

    There is no "peak of tradership" because everyone's reaction to the learned patterns is different. So you can't "recognize" their reactions.

    Take NVDA, everyone sees the general upward price pattern.

    Some traders will react by buying now.

    Some traders will react by refusing to buy until they see NVDA's price fall such that a 38% fibonacci retracement is formed.

    Some traders will react by refusing to buy until they see NVDA's price rise such that ADX signals a strong trend.

    So how you gonna "recognize" people's reactions as a whole?
    #22     Jul 12, 2024
  3. TheDawn


    Yes and no. They could be self-fulfilling until there is new information, then a new trend would start.
    #23     Jul 12, 2024
    murray t turtle likes this.
  4. ironchef


    By the time this retail day trading monkey sees and does, it is too late, they already go the other way and I am holding the bag. :banghead:
    #24     Jul 13, 2024
    murray t turtle likes this.
  5. This whole thread is a classic example of, "You lead a horse to water...."

    #25     Jul 13, 2024
    murray t turtle likes this.
  6. The horse will drink when it's looking for the water. Some horses (and mules) are so stubborn they will resist anyone giving them directions.

    Another kind of animal is the lemming, which follows the other ones to destruction. This was me for many years, buying training courses and trying to find a guru.

    And one day this one pattern I kept seeing over and over again, on every time frame, took over my mind. When I was not looking for it, it lead me to the water on its own.

    Do other traders eventually see the water on their own?

    Is this a human (especially male) tendency? We need to see the water from out in the field, then wander toward it on our own before we will drink?
    #26     Jul 13, 2024
  7. "Are trends just self fulfilling propecy?"

    Not necessarily, but they can become so for awhile. Refer to Soros' theory of reflexivity

    P.S. Get a spell checker.
    #27     Jul 14, 2024
    murray t turtle likes this.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2024
    #28     Jul 15, 2024
    ironchef likes this.
  9. %%
    Yes + no.
    Some man that makes spelling mistakes a 80% or 100% of the time ;
    should never get a job as bank teller counting moneyLOL.
    T] Trends are much begger than one self , or paint horse , more like An elephnat/Asian elephant :D:D
    #29     Jul 15, 2024
  10. ironchef


    Not this day trader. Still can't find my day trading watering hole. :(
    #30     Jul 16, 2024
    Wide Tailz likes this.