As a consistent profit day trader...

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Leob, Nov 18, 2021.

  1. smallfil


    A lot of traders have no concept of positive or negative expectation and trade blindly. There is a formula to calculate for expectation and if you have a trading log, you should be able to calculate if your trading strategy has a positive expectation or edge versus a negative expectation or no edge at all.
    #61     Nov 30, 2021
    Handle123 likes this.
  2. Handle123


    Having automation, having programmers, have more than 200 stats on a completed Trading plan, and now working on systems to be able to adapt difference parameters to alter itself. Monitoring not only overall drawdowns but individual signal drawdowns allows to understand not only how plane is flying but also how tight the bolts are.

    I agree most traders don't keep enough stats.
    #62     Nov 30, 2021
    smallfil likes this.