Attorney General's Bizarre Speech Threatens Those Critical Of Muslims

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Dec 4, 2015.

  1. The AG sitting in on the news conference with the FBI to make sure he didn't go rouge and say what we all know to be true. We're supposed to believe these two terrorists in California weren't connected in any way, shape, or form to other terrorists. This is what we call whistling past the graveyard. That is total bullshit, it's insulting, and more to the point, it is an extremely dangerous position to take. The Jihadi are here, war has been declared, and they're not playing. We are at war! Our government is in complete and total denial, lead by President Hussein, who is apparently the dumbest fucking man on the planet, or is on the wrong side. Either way, he needs to be relieved of command immediately. He is derelict is his duty and it is a time of war. People are losing their lives as a result of his refusal to do the job expected of the Commander and Chief.
    #41     Dec 5, 2015